Southgreen Labradors
Licensed Breeder
4 months
Member since:10 years
Southgreen Labradors
Licence No.:23/00004/AW18LI
Local Authority:East Suffolk Council
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About us
First and foremost we have our dogs and go out picking up with them throughout the season of which they all enjoy very much. we breed our dogs to keep our working lines going and has grown a little through recommendations from customers. The pups would also make very good pet dogs as they are easily trainable due to their working background. We are more than happy for potential customers to come and view our premises and meet our dogs with no obligation what so ever. we health check our young dogs before they go out into the field working ie; hips, elbows, eyes, hereditary and dna checks. As my breeding started to grow I felt it right to become licenced with the local council and have been since 2016. Now hold a 5 star license.
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