Atirakin Collies
Licensed Breeder
2 months
Member since:6 years
Atirakin Collies
Licence No.:M035660
Local Authority: Somerset Council
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About us
Abigail's first encounter with a Nursing Bitch was quite by accident... Route 66, What she thought to be a German Shepherd nursing her young family, transpired to be a Timber Wolf? The owner wearing a Stetson, appearing to be 7ft tall wandered in saying "That is the first time I have ever witnessed such an experience" As he watched his bitch licking Abigail's lips and her cuddling her, then turning glancing at her babies, back to Abigail, then to jump gracefully out of the whelping box to run past her owner out of the door into the forest. Abigail was hooked on the love of Canine Lupus and her relations.
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