Licensed Breeder
6 days
Member since:11 years
Licence No.:AAL00098
Local Authority:Wyre Borough Council
Licence No.:Flaikwell
Local Authority:Maelea Forrester
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About us
I've worked with dogs for over 30 years from training using positive reinforcement training like clicker training, to doing behavioural work from puppy classes to dogs with behavioural issues. I now breed for the love of the breed and to improve my chosen breed in every way I can. Happily now, i'm both an Assured kennel club breeder and have a breeding license from my local authority. I don't breed my dogs till they are at least 2 years old, and only then if they seem ready. I have all my dogs fully health tested following lines put forward by the Kennel Club and doing some other I feel are essential. All my dogs live in the house with me as do the pups and all are fully part of the family from day one. Although with the pups this happens more slowly. I've now just bred my 9th litter in 5 years and I love every moment of it and raise my pups along the lines of puppy culture so when they leave my home, they are well socialised and ready to make an easy change into a new home with their new families. This is very important to me knowing just how early socialisation from my behavioural work can make a dog for life. I'm also always there for my owners to contact me at any time for help and advice.
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