Licensed Breeder
1 day
Member since:6 years
Licence No.:LAB/41
Local Authority:Northumberland
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About us
I never set out to become a breeder and this is certainly an area I fell into to say the least.  Over the years it is safe to say that I have worked with a lot of dogs on a behaviour and training front, and it soon became apparent that breeding practises had a lot to play in some of the issues that we are now seeing across all breeds. This is down to a number of reasons and I am certainly not painting all breeders with the same brush as there is good and bad amongst all industries.  The more I learnt the more I could see that colour and looks were being put above health and temperament which is quite a scary thought as this is a sentient being that should be in your life for a long time, and new owners have often being left wondering what they have done wrong. Why are they facing the behaviour struggles, or the health implications in such young dogs.  Yet our dogs are the most unhealthy they have ever been. When looking for my own dogs I was finding it difficult to find dogs that had the proper breed stamp that you would expect, a sound temperament and that were health tested. This shouldn't be difficult to find and yet it was proving almost impossible.  So i set myself a mission and ShaluntMirii Canines was born.  "To breed dogs with sound temperament, that are healthy, free from known congenital issues and the most well-rounded, confident individuals I possibly can"