Michele S.
Licensed Breeder
3 months
Member since:10 years
Licence No.:19/00519/breed
Local Authority:Chelmsford City Council
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About us
We are a small, KC assured family boarder and breeder located in the heart of the Essex countryside. We stud and breed French bulldogs because of our great love and lifelong passion for the breed. All our dogs have superb temperaments are affectionate and love to play, they are well behaved and have been trained from a young age. They are fed only good quality food, are lean, fit and healthy. They show good muscle tone in there physique and do not carry any fat, they are really lovely looking true to type French bulldogs. They have all had the necessary DNA checks, health screening KC/BVA schemes, fully vaccinated, wormed, flea treated regularly, are fully kennel club registered and are part of the assured breeders scheme and UK bred. A free return mating if unsuccessful will be arranged for your bitches next season (Note: An ultra-sound scan will be required to be provided from your vet) The mating is done with complete supervision as both dogs welfare is paramount.
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