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Labradoodle breeders, Ipswich

The Council Licensed Labradoodle breeders on Pets4Homes hold an Animal Activities Licence. This license is issued by their respective local authority, for example their borough council, after a series of checks have been carried out.

Julie W.

Julie W.

Licensed Breeder
Licence No.:AWL0098
Breed:Labradoodle, Border Collie
We are council approved and vet home checked. Our dogs live in the home as are part of the family. All our dogs are health tested. Teddy our medium sized labradoodle will be standing at stud in the new year.
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Puppy Love

Puppy Love

Licensed Breeder
Licence No.:AWL0022
Breed:Cockapoo, Cocker Spaniel, English Springer Spaniel, Labradoodle, Sprocker
King's Lynn
Our dogs are part of our family life. We live in the countryside on a small holding with lots of field space for our dogs to enjoy. All our dogs are KC registered and health tested.
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Gabledene  5* licensed

Gabledene 5* licensed

Licensed Breeder
Licence No.:AWL0047
Breed:Labradoodle, Labrador Retriever, Miniature Dachshund, Mixed Breed, Jack Russell
I have been breeding and showing quality dogs for 45 years I am at the moment breeding Labradoodles, Cockers, and K.C Registered Jack Russells. My Labradoodles, Cockers and Russells have all the health checks necessary to make sure you have a happy healthy puppy. I am always available for you to visit your chosen puppy and I give a lifetime support if needed.
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Licence No.:A02006929
Breed:Cockapoo, Labradoodle, Miniature Poodle, Mixed Breed, Poodle, Standard Poodle
We are council and vet approved licensed breeders of poodles and doodles. We only breed from health tested dogs so you can be sure to get a healthy puppy. All pups are born and raised in the family home with the very best care and attention.
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Doodle Poos

Licensed Breeder
Licence No.:AWL0101
Breed:Goldendoodle, Labradoodle
I am a breeder and have been breeding cocker spaniels for 8 years. I also breed cockapoos. My dogs are DNA tested clear for PRA so none of the puppies i breed will ever get PRA. My Dogs are my life and i spend many hours playing and socalising with them. They have plenty of exercise everyday on their 3 acre field. They lead a full and active life which i feel is extremly important for their heal
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Licensed Breeder
Licence No.:AWL0056
Breed:Labradoodle, Old English Sheepdog, Saint Bernard
We have a standard poodle stud and sheepadoodle stud. Freddie (Zenzaris Beau Blaze) is a red and white parti standard poodle. He has a perfect COI (coefficient of inbreeding) of 0.0%. He is clear of all the standard poodle inherited diseases: degenerative myelopathy, neonatal encephalopathy with seizures, progressive retinal atrophy, progressive rod-cone degeneration and Von Willebrand disease
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Licence No.:21/00231/aa
Breed:Cockapoo, Cocker Spaniel, Goldendoodle, Labradoodle, Labrador Retriever
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Licence No.:AWL0072
Breed:Cockapoo, Labradoodle
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