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Miniature Pinscher breeders, Nottingham

The Council Licensed Miniature Pinscher breeders on Pets4Homes hold an Animal Activities Licence. This license is issued by their respective local authority, for example their borough council, after a series of checks have been carried out.

Daniel K.

Licensed Breeder
Licence No.:337956
Breed:Fox Terrier, Jack Russell, Miniature Pinscher, Mixed Breed, Toy Poodle
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Licence No.:BREDOG/0001
Breed:Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel, Hungarian Vizsla, Miniature Pinscher, Welsh Springer Spaniel
Home of champions, including Best of Breed Crufts winners. All our dogs are born and raised in our home, and very much part of the family. Our dogs are health tested in accordance with current requirements and many generations share their lives with us. We are Kennel Club Assured Breeders with all the accolades, including the highly prized Accolade of Excellence; awarded by the KC from nominations
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Patricia S.

Licensed Breeder
Licence No.:201900700
Breed:Boston Terrier, Cockapoo, Cocker Spaniel, French Bulldog, Italian Greyhound, Miniature Pinscher, Old Tyme Bulldog, Pomeranian, Poodle, Toy Poodle
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Kingrock Showdogs

Licensed Breeder
Licence No.:A357
Breed:Chow Chow, Miniature Pinscher
The Kingrock kennel was founded in 1975. We have bred more than 50 champions in three breed and CC winners in several more. We are international championship show judges having judges extensively around the world. We have both judged at Crufts. We are pleased to advise we are Kennel Club Assured Breeders of Excellence.
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