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Poodle breeders, Sunderland

The Council Licensed Poodle breeders on Pets4Homes hold an Animal Activities Licence. This license is issued by their respective local authority, for example their borough council, after a series of checks have been carried out.

Becky S.

Licensed Breeder
Licence No.:008392
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labs doodles cockers and poos
Licence No.:AWL0080
Breed:Curly Coated Retriever, Cocker Spaniel, Poodle
My name is Margaret or mags for short. I’ve been breeding labradors for 25 years, only in the last 5 years breeding cockerpoos and recently labradoodles. My dogs are all health checked to a high grade and most are pedegree as I still breed pure line dogs too. The dogs live in my home with me and my partner and are also gun dogs trained to retrieve as my partner is a part time game keeper. They ha
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JoCo Doodles
Licence No.:DCC/ALA/092501
Breed:Cockapoo, Goldendoodle, Miniature Poodle, Poodle
I have owned dogs all my life, however, Jojo was my first doodle. I am totally smitten with the doodle mixes. I am not a professional breeder, it is more of a hobby for me and helps with the upkeep of my dogs. Having said that, the service I provide is of a professional standard. I thought 'What would I like when buying a puppy', and have based the process on my own requirements. My dogs are
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