
Cute 10.2hh Lead Rein Pony or Ridden Project age 4

3 hours
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Adv. ID
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For sale
Birth Year
Welsh Section A
Category 1
Category 2
Riding School
10.53 hh
United Kingdom
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MISSY is a cute, healthy, sound, easy, friendly, all up to date, well-handled, tame, small approx. 10.2hh, four year old Welsh children's lead rein pony, first ridden, show or therapy pony project. Fine to be used as just a field companion or pet for older person, disabled teen or family but obviously the fee is as it is as she can potentially do more. presently in her scruffy winter coat but should soon be in her lovely short summer show coat & will in time grey out (become whiter). Friendly so super easy to catch, put headcollar on, tie up, brush. rug up, pleat, worm, jab, etc OK with feet, to load & lead etc too. Not been much on busy roads but could soon learn. Amazing to be washed & hosed. Been tacked up, lunged, had weights on & been fine with it. Can live in or out. Been fine in mixed herd. Brave type that will usually go up & check out or even stick her cute head in something new or 'scary' rather than spook or run away. Went through isolation period/checks & been here usual six months+. Came neglected & unhandled but neither we nor the vet have seen any signs of past or present asthma, sickness, injuries, lameness, laminitis, Cushings, sweet itch, lumps or bumps etc. No known reason why some one kind & patient/a family should not be able to work with her & finish backing her with with sand bags &/or little rider/toddler. Can give some tips. Done right should only likely take a few weeks before she could be used as a lead rein as good natured & my son & daughter are working with her. Saves wasting thousands on a drugged up, spoiled, hard in the mouth, bored, ruined lead rein pony with many bad habits, laminitis, arthritis or hidden injuries. Missy has not been obese nor had treats, not been backed early & not had some heavy rider back her or ride her. She does NOT appear to be in foal but person can assure themselves by having a vet check/blood test done. Microchipped & passported Had 1st/2nd Flue & Tetanus vaccinations by vet. Feet have been trimmed by farrier every six weeks while here. Worming done well/regularly. Bred for good nature, but sadly owners passed away suddenly. Brother likewise lovely - our mascot & now a super therapy pony. New owners love him & haven't yet found anything that spooks him. With a family fussing over her Missy could be the same. Re-homing fee £1,200 as seen. Must be kind, able to afford & have suitable place to keep. Willingness to learn more important than experience. Open to viewing & vetting & honest advise given. Happy to help people get started & to stay in touch if wanted. Transport can be usually be sorted cost price. Feel free to ask us questions & arrange a viewing. Do tell us about yourself, your set up & what you are looking for. If not what you are after we might have another rescue pony that is. x
Judith A.
2 hours
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Judith A.
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Judith A.
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Member since:4 years
Judith A.
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