
PROVEN: Stunning Merle Border Collie For Stud

21 hours
Border CollieAge: 1 year
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Adv. ID:0n37r_8O1
Advert Type:For stud
Original breeder:

Litter details

Adv. Location:Coventry
Breed:Border Collie
Age:1 year, 10 months

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
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Proven. Healthy, stunning broken coat merle boy available for stud only. See photos of his beautiful litter. My handsome boy Beau born 27/04/2023 comes from a working Dame and Sire, and available for stud only. His Sire is a Blue and White BC and Dame a Red Merle. He was bread in Wales by the Llyod family who’ve been ethically breeding for decades and are highly respected. He’s athletic, obedient and friendly. Good with children, cats and other dogs. My boy is sweet natured, high drive and enthusiastic. He’s hard eye and power stand, but is not a working sheep herder anymore. He’s in Flyball and does scent work. He’s perfect if you’re looking for working dog genetics or you’re after stunning coats for your litter. Beau is strong as an ox, and is in perfect health. His hip and elbow results are: 0… He’s clear of 269 diseases by My Dog DNA, but is a 1 copy carrier of EAOD. His beautiful speckled coat, confidence, intelligence and drive will be impressive on any litter. As seen in photos he has impressive litters already.
Peyton L.
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