
White Miniature Poodle Stud

2 weeks
Miniature PoodleAge: 8 years
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Adv. ID:1855735
Advert Type:For stud

Litter details

Adv. Location:Spennymoor
Breed:Miniature Poodle
Age:8 years

Health & Docs

Worm and flea treatedMicrochipped by collection dateNeuteredHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collectionVaccinations up to date
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Proven White Pedigree Miniature Poodle fully vaccinated with a full clean bill of health his parents are PRA Clear, Benji is approx 13” height. He’s bred from mostly White & Apricot Lines so I’d guess will carry these colours in his puppies he had an excellent nature and little gentleman with the ladies. He’s been proven with Poodles & Cockers, and other breeds experience with Labradors and other Spaniels. I offer 2 or 3 mating offered and repeat mating if the bitch fails to fall pregnant, I don’t have his hard copy KC Registration at the moment. I do have copies he's pedigree or certificates please contact for details. Please note Oscar my old stud dog pictured at the beach retired in February 2018.
Paul D.
2 weeks
Member since:7 years
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Paul D.
2 weeks
Member since:7 years
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