60L Fish tank and stand,
Live plants,
1 Male Guppy,
Marina Heater,
2 Air block,
2 Glass backing posters,
3-D Poster gel,
A selections of ornaments,
Tetra Flakes (Almost a full tub),
Catfish Pellets, Algae Wafers, Tropical Mini, Pellets,
Tetra Aqua Safe,
Spare filter sponge,
Spare air block,
Aquarium test strips,
Swim bladder treatment,
Glass cleaner magnet,
Tube Cleaner,
Will pack plants and live fish in separate bags with a % of their water before collection and will also rinse tank out.
This live tank will still have some of the beneficial bacteria on the ornaments and plants still, suitable for the 1 fish to be added back to there environment including any other fish to be added as well.