
PROVEN Red/Apricot F1 Toy Cavapoo-DNA Clear Tests

3 weeks
CavapooAge: 8 years
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Adv. ID:2076296
Advert Type:For stud

Litter details

Adv. Location:Stafford
Age:8 years

Health & Docs

Vaccinations up to dateMicrochipped by collection dateWorm and flea treatedNeuteredHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
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๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ Sired over 100 puppies ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ Council inspected Licensed Breeder (hobby breeder) 5 ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ Please call or text on 07772919274. ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ Please watch episode 4 on Channel4 to see him featured in Fur Babies - Our boy is a very well proven Red/Apricot F1 Toy Cavapoo, DNA PRA Clear (copies of all health tests available). Standing at approx. 12 inches to the shoulders. Pictures of puppies are those he has sired. Litters ranging from 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10. He has successfully mated with Cockapoos, Cavapoos, Miniature Poodles, Bichon Frise, Cavachons, Tibetan Terrier, Jackapo, Shizpoo, Labrador and cocker cross. Our boy is firstly our family pet and he lives with us in our family home along with our Cockapoos, so he is well used to other dogs as well. He is definitely a head turner and loves being with us playing with his ball more than our other dogs; he has a lovely soft wavy coat. He has been DNA tested for prcd-PRA (PRA), Dry Eye Curly Coat Syndrome (CCS) and Episodic Falling and was health tested by our local vet and all is fine (copies of all certificates are available upon the first mating, please make sure you have sight of these before any mating takes place). His mother and father are KC Registered, Blenheim Cavalier King Charles and red toy poodle, you can view KC paperwork from parents. We are available at short notice (as long as his diary is free), and advise you contact us as soon as your bitch starts her season. Please do consider that we are a working family and we understand that you may be unsure or your may circumstances change when it gets near the time to meet, all we ask is some prior notice due to our family commitments. The stud fee is payable upon the first mating (tie). We recommend 2 ties with 48 hours apart. We are available to help any time of the day or night and will be there to help with regards to any questions you may have prior and post mating. PLEASE NOTE HE IS NOT FOR SALE! All we ask is that you make sure that your bitch is up to date with her booster and up to date with her worming programme and you let me know of any health issues prior to mating. Finally if for some reason your girl is not pregnant then we will offer one free return on her next season (one mating).
Licensed Breeder
13 hours
Member since:12 years
Licence No.:M092728
Local Authority:Stafford Borough Council
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Licensed Breeder
13 hours
Member since:12 years
Licence No.:M092728
Local Authority:Stafford Borough Council
Verified by:

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