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undefined & undefined HybridAge: 3 years1 female
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Adv. ID:23dsPhZ0H
Advert Type:For adoption
Original breeder:

Litter details

Adv. Location:Woodbridge
Pets in litter:1 female
Breed:Mixed Breed
Age:3 years, 8 months
Ready to Leave:2025-03-21
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
Helpful perks with every Pet Payment
• For puppy parents: exclusive access to Zigzag, #1 puppy training app dedicated to puppy hood


Arrived in foster in Suffolk on 27th January 2025 When we met Betty on our last trip we immediately fell in love with her. She had such sad eyes and seemed so worried of absolutely everything. She had led such a sheltered life, it was going to be a challenge to introduce her to the outside world. But we wanted to show her that the world can be a wonderful place so made the decision to bring her to the UK. Betty will need a quiet and patient home but in time she will love you to the moon and back. From her foster mum: Darling Betty. She’s making great progress with each week I have her. It was slow initially but she’s definitely getting there with patience, love and kindness. I don’t rush her but allow her to progress when she’s ready. She will still need the ongoing patience and understanding to allow her to develop further into the beautiful dog she is. Most of all Betty needs to feel safe with consistent love and routines, just as we all do. She’s gone from being a timid loner to a total lovebug. Yes she is still jumpy at sudden noises but overall she has shown that deep down she has the most gentle, loving nature. She has a good soul that has never shown any form of anger or aggression despite what life has dealt her in her past. She’s still watchful and nervous during the day when your busy but as soon as I sit down with my dogs in the evening she loves nothing more than snuggling up with me and staring intently into my eyes till she falls asleep. It's taken three months but FINALLY she's relaxed enough to sleep on her back with her legs all floppy. The simple reason I love her soooo much is because she now loves the sight of her lead and loves her walks, taking in all the sights, sounds and smells. Believe me it was a struggle for weeks for me to put a lead on her but she now recognises it’s time for a walk and is happy sitting waiting for me to put it on her. When she’s sat behind me in the car ready for a new adventure she always leans over to kiss me on my cheek as though to say ‘thank you for showing me a whole new world I didn’t know existed’. She’s so grateful and truly loves her walks. You can see the delight and pleasure shining in her eyes She will be a devoted and loyal dog once she finds the right home with her perfect family and I shall miss her gentle soul terribly. The thing is, which I'm sure you'll all agree is that the relationship of a rescue dog and yourself is very different to that of taking on a puppy. Rescue dogs truly adore you for giving them a life they could never imagine before. You become their world and the look of love shines in their eyes when they look at you. It truly makes your heart sing. Darling Betty, you deserve the best that life has to offer you and that is what I wish for you Her Story Betty was found as a very young puppy with her sister Emma. The lady who found them put them in her yard with her other dogs but tragically Emma was killed. Betty has lived nearly all her life in a yard with lots of dogs, without experiencing the outside world. Recently when we found little Elsie half dead by the side of the road, dear Betty was the one to donate her blood. She saved Elsie’s life. After a few days of rest Betty returned to her yard but sadly was attacked by the other dogs. Of course she could not remain there. Since then she has been living in the apartment with the lady who found her but she could not stay there. Freedom Angels regret we cannot consider applications for Betty from People under 25 years old People with children under 12 years old Homes without direct access to a private and secure garden Homes where the dog will have to be left alone more than 4 hours on a regular basis. Location: Suffolk Age: July 2021 Gender: Female Status: Available NOW
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