
Kc Red and White Heart Scored Male for stud

3 days
BoxerAge: 6 years
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Adv. ID:3180889
Advert Type:For stud

Litter details

Adv. Location:Woodbridge
Age:6 years

Health & Docs

Worm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetNeuteredMicrochipped by collection dateVaccinations up to dateKC registered by collection
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Presenting my Stunning European red and white boy now available for stud , bringing fresh lines into the U.K. gene pool . He has a super pedigree , his dad is a multi European Champion . He has come from the very respected Sat’Elit show kennels in Belarus . He is very well proven and heart scored HT1 by a cardiologist on the boxer breed council list and Also sdma normal ( kidney function test ) . Available to healthy KC registered heart scored girls . Please feel free to contact me for any information on where and how to get your girls heart scored , it’s really inexpensive around £45 to get done and so important before you breed , this will help to ensure your litter is healthy . I’m a 5 star licensed breeder experienced in the breed and can keep in touch for any advice and support throughout the process . Payment on first mating . Two matings 48 hours apart. Free repeat mating in the event your girl does not take the first time . i will have puppies born soon please contact me if you want to be put on my waiting list
Licensed Breeder
5 hours
Member since:11 years
Licence No.:23/00156/aw18LI
Local Authority:Suffolk Coastal District Council
Verified by:

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Licensed Breeder
5 hours
Member since:11 years
Licence No.:23/00156/aw18LI
Local Authority:Suffolk Coastal District Council
Verified by:

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Pet Media Ltd trading as Pets4Homes is an Appointed Representative of Agria Pet Insurance Ltd, who administer the insurance. Agria Pet Insurance is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Register Number 496160. Agria Pet Insurance Ltd is registered and incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 04258783. Registered office: First Floor, Blue Leanie, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 7QW. Agria insurance policies are underwritten by Agria Försäkring who is authorised and regulated by the Prudential Regulatory Authority and Financial Conduct Authority.