
Snuggly male fancy mice

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15 weeks, 2 days
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We have 2 charming little boys looking for their new families. Male mice make the most wonderful companions. They are docile and sweet; loving nothing more than a cheek rub from their human and a little snack to nibble on! Satin blue tan 'texel' - A beautiful shiny young man with silky soft fur. He's a curious character, if a little cautious and shy when you first meet him. He often wakes and comes to see what I'm doing when I enter the room. He is technically a texel, and his coat remains long and fluffy, however he does not have a lot of curl remaining in his adult coat. Cream self - A very handsome gentleman with ancestry from show lines, so he is a chunky chap with lovely big pink ears! He has always been a really calm, and gentle soul who enjoys being held and stroked. He's a little lazy and loves to snooze, which makes him a perfect cuddle companion whilst you relax on the sofa! These boys are for pet homes only and not to be bred. They come from healthy, established lines within our mousery. They have never bitten or shown signs of aggression, nor are they excessively skittish or nervous when cared for correctly. Male fancy mice need to be housed alone unless neutered to live with a group of females. We do not permit keeping multiple males in the same enclosure as they will fight fatally, sometimes with little prior warning. If kept alone, these boys will need at least an hour of daily human interaction as well as plenty of enrichment and stimulation to keep them happy and entertained. The minimum cage size requirement is roughly 80cm x 50cm x 50cm. The enclosure must have good ventilation as well as both burrowing and climbing opportunities. We prefer kiln-dried, dust-extracted wood shavings as substrate, but hemp bedding is also acceptable. Paper based bedding must only be used for nesting areas. Food should be scatter fed throughout the cage to encourage foraging behaviour and exercise.
Molly W.
6 hours
Member since:8 years
Molly W.
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Molly W.
6 hours
Member since:8 years
Molly W.
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PAAG promotes responsible pet advertising to help protect animal welfare. That's why Pets4Homes works to ensure all of our adverts meet PAAG's minimum standards.


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