
DNA tested Tiny Biro and Choco Stud Boys

1 week
Yorkshire TerrierAge: 5 years
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Adv. ID:3204496
Advert Type:For stud

Litter details

Adv. Location:Coventry
Breed:Yorkshire Terrier
Age:5 years, 7 months

Health & Docs

Worm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetMicrochipped by collection dateVaccinations up to date
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First our handsom Esco pure Chocolate Yorkshire Terrier is available for stud duties. Imported from Europe of Champion lineage. Winner of the international breed show 2022 with excellent judge's mark like a stud. DSA test- done DNA test- done His weight is 2.6kg. Health tested. Correct bite and good body build. Beautiful long silky non shedding coat. He has a very gentle, lovelable nature and friendly behaviour. Second our Tiny Colt Biro Yorkshire Terrier Boy. He is a very tiny 1.8kg. He is a healthy and very lively boy with an unusually friendly disposition. Colt was created from the best selected genes, as evidenced by its amazing appearance and character. Which can be checked both by his look and in his 4-generation pedigree DSA test- done DNA test- done His weight is 1.8kg. Health tested. Perfect and correct body build. Beautiful long silky coat in incredible white and dark chocolate, dolly face and fantastic temperament. If you want to breed our Esco or Colt with Choco, Biro Biewer or another colorful Yorkshire Terrier the cost will be £400. If you want mating with standard Yorkshire Terrier the price remain at £300. Two meetings are included in the price. Payment is made at the first mating. If your girl unfortunately is not pregnant I offer 1 courtesy free mating next season upon confirmation of a girl not being pregnant.
Marcin K.
2 hours
Member since:4 years
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Marcin K.
2 hours
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