Our glorious Irish Goldendoodle, Mag, has given birth to a healthy litter of 7 girls and 5 boys (born on the 3rd going in to 4th March 2025)
We have: -
2 black girls
3 black boys
1 black and tan boy
2 apricot partis (1 x boy, 1 x girl)
4 light brown / cream / cafe au lait girls*
*NB. coat colouring can/does change over time, please see the photos and we will update as the weeks progress.
Mag is a first generation Irish Goldendoodle with a K.C registered Irish Setter father and a Goldendoodle mother. She is a very healthy and active 4 year-old and stands at 27" to her shoulder.
Obviously, we're biased but Mag really is a remarkable dog. People stop us all the time to ask what breed she is and to compliment her. She's fun (and funny!), kind and intelligent, very loving with a super sweet and gentle nature and extremely well socialised and well-behaved. Pictures of her are included in the ad which hopefully shows some of her character.
All DNA Health tests for Mag came back all clear. Her BVA hip score is Left: 6 | Right: 6, total 12. So nicely balanced and average for her breed (paperwork can be provided on request).
The Sire to our litter is a lovely, sweet boy - a K.C Registered Standard Poodle, Café Au Lait in colour, BVA hip score is Left: 5 | Right: 7, Total score: 12. He was chosen for his quiet, calm and sweet affectionate temperament and his handsome poodle appearance.
His inbreeding coefficient is 0.0%, ie. a dog with two apparently unrelated parents (based on all available pedigree information).
The pups are being raised by us in our home and will be very well socialised, having met a number of friends and family, including children, by the time they are ready to leave from Friday 9th May 2025. We are also doing Early Neurological stimulation (ENS) and Early scent Introduction (ESI) which will further develop the pups and prepare them for the great outdoors and their fun-filled lives to come.
The pups will likely be wavy/shaggy in appearance, like their Mum and/or Dad, some possibly with tighter curls than others. Their coats will be low shedding and they are hypoallergenic thanks to the magic of the Poodle breed! A bit of regular grooming at home to keep their coats knot-free is recommended and they should visit the groomers regularly to keep their coats in the best condition, getting rid of any mats, shampooing and brushing out. However, we would recommend that you strongly consider keeping the coat long – it is actually very manageable. We'd happily discuss how we've managed this with Mag and give some tips etc.
Puppies will be available for choosing visits from 11th April 2025 and, once chosen, we will arrange a contract of sale.
Pups will be microchipped, have had their first course of vaccinations, a full vet check and their initial flea/worming treatments before leaving us.
They will go to new homes with a puppy pack, food for the first few days and a scent blanket from home to help them settle as best as possible into their new families.
Please email if you are interested in a puppy from this litter with a bit of information about yourself, why you would like this puppy and the home / family the pup will be joining. We will happily provide you with more information upon request.