Malachi is a handsome Staffy x Collie (I think - He was sold to me as a staffy x rotty but has collie features such as spotted paw, floppy collie ears and high intelligence and zero rottie features).
He is an absolutely incredible dog, he is so intelligent and learns very quickly. He's very obedient but occasionally has his stubborn moments... Sometimes I will say 'go to your bed' and he will wonder around the room before going to his bed and flumping down in it. He is a quick runner and a high jumper, my partner says he could be a show dog. He has a lot of love to give, he is very affectionate and would be at my side 24/7 if he could. I love this dog, I really do, he is so silly, he will get excitable when you're excitable and he will wag his tail when you're laughing. He loves kisses on his face and he has learnt to give his cheek.
It really is sad for me to be re-homing him. In the right home he would make a wonderful companion.
I got him as a puppy and so he is very attached to me however, over the last two years I went travelling and left him with my mother and he was getting on fine there until recently, he and my mothers (not neutered) dog have started fighting (mostly over food and toys).
Recently they have had a pretty bad fight and so I have brought him to my new home to separate them but with the intention of re-homing him as my fiancé is 20weeks pregnant AND we have a cat.
He has never had toileting issues or aggression issues until fighting with my mothers dog however with that said, he may now carry that on, I'm not sure, I have walked him and he has been fine with other dogs but it isn't time tested. Also, he has pood and weed in our house when left alone for longer periods of time - I think this is due to stress of moving home again and anxious attachment as he has never done this before... but these are things to be aware of when taking him on.
I feel that he needs someone who is available to be with him for the majority of the time or is able to train him out of anxious attachment. I think considering his history with my mothers dog, probably someone with no other pets and someone that is able to give him lots of good long walks. Someone that has good knowledge of training dogs would be AMAZING as he really is intelligent.
He is absolutely love-able, anyone that meets him will fall in-love with him... especially if you want a companion that is going to be affectionate, playful and show you that he loves you deeply.