Our exceptionally beautiful Bearded Collies have created a stunning litter of six puppies, two girls and four boys. They are four weeks old at the moment.
The Mum is our beautiful Bearded Collie, who is four years old. She is obedient, gentle and very intelligent. The Dad is our handsome Bearded Collie, who is two years old. He is incredibly caring, playful and loving. Both dogs are very cuddly and love nothing more than a long snuggle with us or the children. They are, in our opinion, the perfect breed for a family dog.
Bearded Collies do require frequent brushing to stay mat free. They also need daily exercise, an outdoor space and an abundance of love.
They wouldn’t make very good apartment dogs. These dogs prefer to be with people. They are very sociable. They adore being cuddled and played with.
Puppies have been exposed to Early scent introduction and Early Neurological stimulation between days 3-16, to help their brain development, resilience and coping mechanisms.
Our puppies have been socialised with children and adults in our family. They have introduced to other dogs within our household. By the time they go to their new homes they will have met many people of all ages, people wearing hats, glasses, pushchairs and a wheelchair.
They will have listened to many different kinds of music and heard the sounds of power tools, hoovers and hairdryers. For the last two weeks we have been playing the sounds of thunderstorms and fireworks to them each day.
Every effort will have been taken to instill confidence and curiosity in these puppies to help them to have a wonderful life and make great pets.
They will have been on rides in the car and through a car wash to introduce them to every day sounds and experiences.
All puppies will have been checked by the vet, had flea treatment and been microchipped. They were wormed at two weeks old with Panacur and will be again at five and eight weeks.
Puppies will have their first vaccinations at eights weeks before they leave. Our vet uses Novibac.
Each puppy will take home a birth certificate, photos from birth to eight weeks, photos of parents, a blanket with their Mother’s scent, food, toys, vaccination booklet and details of microchip and flea and worming treatments.
Puppy visits are taking place from this weekend onwards. Please ensure that you are wearing clean clothes, haven’t just come from visiting another litter and to the best of your knowledge haven’t been around an unvaccinated dog. This may sound strict but the health of our puppies is our main priority. Every visitor to our house will be following these rules.
We love these special puppies very much. If you are interested in having one, please don’t be offended when we ask you questions. We need to know a lot about where our puppies will be placed. Our puppies are healthy, well rounded, socialised, intelligent and loving. We will not be just letting them go to the first few people who contact us if they aren’t suitable. If we don’t find the very best homes for them, we will keep them.
Red, Sold
Orange, Sold.
Blue, sold
Only three puppies are available:
Green, Boy
Pink, Boy
Purple, Girl
Deposit of £150 after viewing to secure puppy.