
1 Crested and 1 Gargoyle gecko with their vivarium

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1 year, 6 months
Is Endangered Species
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Mountainous is a 3-4 year old gargoyle gecko who I rescued. He was in a very small enclosure and very skittish. He still is shy at times now but good compared to when I found him. He is black and white striped when fired up. When fired down, mountainous becomes a whitish grey. He is a really beautiful gecko but doesn’t go after live food at all. Tried everything only ever eats gecko diet (Pangea). His bioactive matured vivarium is available with him for an extra price (listed below). I got his enclosure custom made. It’s actually way bigger than it needs to be for him but he loves the extra space, I personally hand made the background with expanding foam. This project alone cost me probably way over £1000 no exaggeration but I was happy to make a great gecko enclosure by hand. Fate is a 2 year old crested gecko born 30th of August. I’ve had him since very young, he is amazing with handling usually. Perfect gecko, very sweet, he has struggled with his weight a little bit as I only ever feed live food as a treat but sometimes it almost seems like he starves himself just waiting to get the live again. Would feed tiny locusts. Perhaps once a month. Loves hunting after them. I’m certain he eats isopods as well as every time I try to add them to his enclosure I never see them again not even at night like I do see with mountainous’s vivarium. His current enclosure is on offer also at a cheap price. He will need an upgrade for his life long enclosure which he should get soon. But he loves his current one for the mean time. So prices: Mountainous the male gargoyle gecko is available for £50. His enclosure (large and bioactive with orange isopods + springtails, hand made background, live plants, and more is available for £350. Fate the male crested gecko is available for £50. His enclosure is also available for £50 If buy both gecko & vivarium or all 4 I will also give every single item, tool, food, gadget etc I have for reptiles (a total of way over 10 items including large mister bottle and more) (Note) the small vivarium is very lightweight Can be handled by one person alone fine. The large vivarium will need 2 strong maybe 3 men or some sort of transporter as it is incredibly heavy. It is impossible for a single person to lift it. Trust me. I will truly miss these two members of my little family. But I have recently became quite unwell and am not longer suited to look after them. Breaks my heart to be parted with them but they truly deserve someone better who can look after them for the rest of their life. Both will highly appreciate a quiet room or quiet space in a home. Quieter the better. They hate loud noises. I hope someone who can give them a great life guarenteed can take them. They will not be going to someone who I believe won’t take care of them. Feel free to message me about any enquires. - Kane
Kane B.
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Kane B.
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