Miniature schnauzer, 2 boys 2 girls for sale.

2 days
Miniature SchnauzerAge: 1 week2 male / 2 female
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Candy floss Female£1,500
Violet Female£1,500
Yellow Male£1,500



Adv. ID:6H5XdhS51
Advert Type:For sale
Original breeder:

Litter details

Adv. Location:Corby
Pets in litter:2 male / 2 female
Breed:Miniature Schnauzer
Age:1 week, 1 day
Ready to Leave:2025-05-16
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
Helpful perks with every Pet Payment
• For puppy parents: exclusive access to Zigzag, #1 puppy training app dedicated to puppy hood


For Sale: Adorable Puppies! We have an absolutely gorgeous litter of 4 black and silver minature schnauzer puppies - 2 boys and 2 girls available. Both parents are full pedigrees, very healthy and have never needed to go to the vets for anything except vaccinations. Mum and dad are fully health tested MAC clear and BVA clear and have got pedigree tracing back three generations. Dad is UK KC registered and Mum is registered with the Polish Kennel Club. Mum and dad are both loving, gentle, very intelligent and easy to train. Contrary to what you can hear about the breed, they are not noisy at all. Puppies are brought up in our home - so will be used to everyday noises in the house - they are not caged - they have free roam of the house and garden. Puppies will be micro-chipped, vet-health checked, and up to date with their worming, and precautionary flea treatment. They will be well-socialised as raised with their mum and our kids and we have given them all the love in the world. Please note - We are not getting the first vaccinations for this litter as they require 2 jabs in total and it is like the covid jab - both jabs have to be the same brand and as different vets use different brands, if your vet doesn't do the same brand as they have already had, then they have to start the process again which is giving tiny pups unnecessary drugs in their system. Blue boy - available Yellow boy - available Candy floss girl - available Violet girl - available.
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