
Im Too Sexy for my Spots Rosetted Bengal kittens

17 hours
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Charcoal Brown Bengal Kitten 1Male£999
Charcoal Brown Bengal kitten 2Male£999
Silver Blue Charcoal Bengal Kitten 3Male£999



Adv. ID:6ZPpKW8pl
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:Bootle
Pets in litter:3 male
Age:9 weeks, 4 days
Ready to Leave:2025-03-25
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetTICA Registered
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Taking Reservations Now 3 little baby boys , 2 Brown Charcoal Rosetted 1 Silver Blue Charcoal Rosetted Early Generation F5/G5 Pure Bengal (5th Generation Asian Leopard Cat) will form Extra Strong Loving Bonds So Interactive wanting to Play with you & afterwards Love spending their time Cuddled up on your knees They give you Butterflies of Excitement watching their antics They really are the Most Uplifting little Darlings So little & tiny but so knowing & Incredibly Loving nature's They Truly Love human Companionship, they seek you out & Love to sit on top of your feet Really will make the Best Companions Amazing Markings, Beautiful & Bonnie Photos of Parents Brown Heavily Glittered Mum & Silver Blue Charcoal Early Generation Dad To help give you an idea how Stunning these Beauties will look when they are mature, I have added photos for you of their Full Brothers from an earlier litter Brown Charcoal Brother sitting on the chest & the Silver Blue Charcoal Brother climbing Kittens really are Thriving , still feeding from Mum, along with the Bella and Duke raw pate I feed them, to which I add Goats milk too , they are also nibbling Essentials Little Lion kibble They will need a High Actual Meat content food , such as raw pates ; Bella and Duke, Nutriment, Purrform Wet tinned type ; Simpsons premium, Marro, Akela, Untamed You can also have some High Quality kibble out for them to nibble 24/7 Please choose a High Actual Meat content 90% meat such as Essentials Little Lion/ Jaguar Akela, Simpsons premium NO 4% derivatives of meat artificial ingredients such as Felix Whiskas causes Bowel issues kidney disease These Need a Healthy Food They will need to be kept Safely Away from traffic Indoor homes please but preferably with access to a patio or even better garden area If you would look to make SAFE outside Space for them for them to see the Sunshine & Run & Play in the Wind a 3ft roll of wire mesh as a fence topper put Inverted / coming inwards along the top of your existing wall or fence would make cat escape proof to prevent roaming & traffic accidents etc Very Cheap Reasonable cost to install & would keep cats safe They would repay you with a Lifetime of Love & Laughter DIY with a 3ft roll of wire mesh from Amazon or eBay & some brackets either yourself or a local handyman or there's very many companies that Supply kits or Supply & fit such as Protect a pet Google many I will Discount if 2 to go together or the 3 go to Genuinely Live their Best Lives together (an MP bought 3 from my last litter for them to run chase & play together as well as groom each other It is Healthier for them to have company of their own kind and would not make them any less loving towards yourselves at all, in fact the opposite you would have Double or Triple the Love I would very Generously discount to help make that happen for them Parents are Tica Registered and on the Active register suitable for breeding , But I like to re-home kittens as pets only to be a Loving member of your family or Best Buddy the photo of the Mario themed enrichment is to help give you ideas of cat entertainment for your own home There's also Cat wheels are Great too ****Taking Reservations Now**** a non refundable Deposit of £250 will Reserve the Kitten of your choice, Payable by either ; PayPal Goods & Services, which is safe , as you simply write 'Deposit for kitten as seen on pets for homes ad ' then if there was no kitten you would simply inform PayPal & they would refund you You can call PayPal and check that out Or by bank transfer, similarly you would be able to ask for a charge back But I can assure you , the Kittens do exist and would be Excitedly ready and awaiting you to take them to their new loving homes 🤗💓 for any further information or to ask anything please feel absolutely welcome to drop me a message xxx
Dawn M.
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Dawn M.
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Dawn M.
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