
F5 Rare Silver Blue Charcoal Bengals

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Bengal Darker Boy *£750Male£750
Bengal Female PENDINGFemale£1,500
Bengal Lighter Boy *£750Male£750



Adv. ID:8Oebvrb5f
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:Bootle
Pets in litter:2 male / 1 female
Age:6 months, 2 days
Ready to Leave:2024-12-07
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetTICA Registered
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The Two Brother's would love to go To Live Their Best Lives Together So I will do a Great deal for them both to Help Make That Happen for them to Live their Happily Ever After with each other They Literally Melt your Heart with their Personalities & Take your Breath away with their Exquisite Looks They are more like monkeys , they come up and rub their heads on you as a Sign of Affection, they like to climb onto your chair and up onto your Shoulder and Curl up Contentedly Purrring away Very Captivating their Lovingness towards you really is Touching They are Beautiful examples of the current Most Sought After colours Silver Blue & Charcoal Stunning Glittered coats of a Silver Blue background with Blue Asian Leopard Paw Print Rosettes ( from the Asian Leopard cat with them being quite early generation) the Rosettes encased in Charcoal Very Clear & Prominent markings Having Excellent Clear Contrast They really are Truly Special Excellent Quality markings along with their High Percentage of Asian Leopard cat ~ Meaning they will form the Strongest of Loving Bonds , be most Affectionate & Playful wanting to Interact with you & your family Active to the point of being Acrobatic & So much Fun to have around , Having a Fascination with water , a small swimming pool in your garden of a summer would be Great fun for them to splash around playing in and Great Fun for you to watch them They can be more inclined to be interested in learning Trick Training, all Reward based of course, they are Highly Intelligent & will respond well to treats & most of all Love & Praise I Love these to the Moon & Back, Looking for the Puuuurfect home that's full of Love where they will be Cherished & Doted on Fuuurever *****Prices are Drastically Reduced***** for the Two boys to Genuinely Live their Best Lives together These Really are Top Quality & they are underpriced for what they are , as it is Great homes I am looking for for these to have their Happily Ever After It is by Far my Priority over money If you have the Loving & Responsible Criteria I am looking for for them or I will Reduce Kittens Prices Accordingly to Allow you to make the Ideal home for them such as Safety Fencing extension example would be Purrfect fence conversion to allow kittens outdoor space kept Safely away from traffic etc with it being Escape proof , I would Happily Reduce the prices of the kittens accordingly to allow for that to be installed for them Please Read the Advert for details of what I am wanting for them & if that would suit you/fits in with you feel welcome to get in touch to discuss It was 30 years ago I first looked into Bengals but at that time I was too busy at university doing a BSC Hons in Life Sciences which consists of Genetics amongst other things such Biology Microbiology Chemistry Bio Chemistry etc So these have been Carefully thought through & I have chosen to have them now while I have the time to devote to them 2 Boys Available 1 Girl Pending being Early Generation , just 5 Generations removed from the Asian Leopard Cat they have the Asian Leopard Paw Print type Rosettes, really very clear markings with Excellent contrast & the Rare Highly Sought After Leopard Spotting on their lower legs too to Complete their Wild look Wow Factor Bengals form deep loving bonds with their owners these especially more so being early generation, so please check no one in your household suffers with any cat allergies I really am thoroughly enjoying my time in rearing these Cheeky Cubs Not reared in a cattery They have the freedom of the whole of my home , their antics are so uplifting, enjoyable to watch them all playing together they climb onto my knees or shoulder & snuggle in whilst I am reading & sleep on my bed with me too Their Parents are Health Tested & Tica Registered Active , although kittens will not be, they are to be sold as pets only to become Cherished members of your family or your Best Buddies Given the Best of Starts Being Reared with Absolutely no expense spared whatsoever These was reared on Bella and Duke raw pate which I added Goats milk to, aswell as being given whole prey day old chicks which acts as a natural dewormer & Akela kibble is out for them to nibble at overnight ****Ideally CRITERIA would be ... I would prefer these to be house cats but to have access to a safely enclosed cat escape proof outside area garden I can help advise how to do this doesn't cost much at all Ideally to have a natural holistic approach towards worm & flea prevention to use natural products instead of chemicals All fully litter trained I use natural litter with no added chemicals or perfumes Please let me know a little about the home they would be going to for me please I am wanting them to be fed a Healthy Diet with No artificial additives whatsoever preference would be raw such as what they are on at the moment, but if wanting to feed tinned or kibble I can help advise on feeds & to be insured preferably on a lifetime policy would give the best coverage They will leave with 4 weeks Free insurance from petplan The most loving parents of these fantastic kittens are both here and available for you to meet when you come to choose & collect your own little bundle it is healthier physically mentally & emotionally for cats to have company of their own kind to run chase and groom each other it would be lovely for the two brothers to go to live together but happy to discuss rehoming separately I think I have covered everything but if there's anything you would like to know please feel very welcome to ask
Dawn M.
11 hours
Member since:2 years
Dawn M.
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Dawn M.
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Member since:2 years
Dawn M.
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