
🐶 Beautiful Merle Working Cocker Spaniel 🐶

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Cocker Spaniel Puppy 1Female£850



Adv. ID:a5rkApM-4
Original breeder:
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:Dundee
Viewable with Mother:
Ready to Leave:2025-03-14
Age:1 year, 4 months
Pets in litter:1 female

Health & Docs

KC registered by collectionHealth Checked by a vetWorm and flea treatedVaccinations up to dateNeuteredMicrochipped by collection date
Helpful perks with every Pet Payment
• For puppy parents: exclusive access to Zigzag, #1 puppy training app dedicated to puppy hood


Well what can I say about Ocean ( she is around 2 years of age ) she’s been absolutely a dream I’ve owned her since she was weeks old, travelled all the way to Oxford to a licensed breeder for her & paid a lot of money for her purely based on her Merle looks with being full cocker spaniel ( her father in pictures is a English cocker spaniel & mum is a Lemon roan Scottish working cocker spaniel ). She’s a beautiful big hearted sky blue eye girl, loves her walks treats & digging if hiding a bone with her nose, she is so cuddly & full of kisses, loves her attention & is more laid back than her best friend Jules ( who’s up on my other ad ad ). She knows all her commands sit before crossing the road, very easy on a walk, she’s always been a fit & loving dog just one who’s always been by your side literally she would sit on your knee. She’s brilliant around new people & other dogs ( grandkids my 4 sons all their own animals & Oceans has always been very king natured ). It’s heart breaking having my son write this advert but I’m in my 60s & I can’t manage the huge set of stairs so I’m being moved into a small bungalow that doesn’t have the garden for Ocean plus Jules & I’m going to be strange to the area myself / along with my knees which are just ruined with running marathon’s half my life & 2 key hole surgeries later… it’s not fair on Ocean & I know someone can give her the love & full attention she needs that’s the only comfort in having her re-homed. ✅ Gorgeous Merle Working Cocker Spaniel ✅ 2 Years of age but still looks & acts like she’s just a pup. ✅ Groomed regularly / Flea & Tick Treatment ✅ Blue Merle with the small Brown patches in Colour with stunning rare markings ✅ Health check paper work / Micro Chipped etc Please no time wasters / Scammers / Pictures thieves… just general enquiries only if you feel Ocean is right for you or your family & only the best of home please feel free to call me on ****** as app won’t allow me to change contact number. Thanks for Reading happy Re-homing 😊
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