
Shar pei cross with small legged staff

Cradley Heath
12 hours
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Shar Pei Puppy 1Female£250



Adv. ID:_aajFTMig
Advert Type:For sale
Original breeder:

Litter details

Adv. Location:Cradley Heath
Breed:Shar Pei
Pets in litter:1 female
Age:7 months
Ready to Leave:2025-02-28
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
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She is only 6 months old I rescued her couple weeks ago she was being chained up outside days on end and not fed much and beaten. Owners were selling her as jad enough so I went and had her to get her safe unfortunately I can't keep her long term due to my health and have other animals. Ages had a bad start in life but omg she's so loving love ro be round you. My other dog, even my cat and my child. She is so clever last owners done nothing. In 2 weeks she has learned to sit. Wait for food, go in bed when needed....she loves her training crate it's her safe place. She is pretty good on lead too but still a bit scared as never went on a walk till I goy her. Obvistill needs training to keep going with her I would have her vaccinations done if I were you as can't trust last owners She cane to me with nothing not even a food bowl or lead. She will have her training crate. Bed, lead,harness, bowls, blankets and toys. She has been to vets had her flea, took and worming done and health is great. Anymore info please contact me. I will want to see the home she be going to and garden space even of its on video if live roo far I just don't want to risk her going in wrong hands again
Cradley Heath
1 hour
Member since:2 weeks
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Cradley Heath
1 hour
Member since:2 weeks
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