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American Shorthair kitten 1Male£50
American Shorthair kitten 2Male£50



Adv. ID:as97CR9sC
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:Birmingham
Pets in litter:2 male
Age:1 year, 9 months
Ready to Leave:2024-11-10
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetRegistered
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**PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE DESCRIPTION BEFORE EVEN DECIDING TO MESSAGE ME.** Both brothers ideally to go together, if not will give them individually to the right people. and ONLY IN BIRMINGHAM. I dont want any money for them just the best welcoming home. Preferably to a couple, or even if you have one child should be ok. This essay has taken me a long time to write as because these cats mean too much to me that it’s important for you to read. I will not be giving them away to just anyone, and anyone who does not appreciate what I have written. You will prove to me you are worthy of taking them otherwise do not waste my time I am not here for crap. Animals mean everything to me. These two handsome boys I have had the privilege of looking after for almost 2 years now need a loving caring spoiled home. Ive had to make the really hard decision of giving them away only now because i have a baby on the way and i have another cat and altogether 3 cats have become so hard to maintain over the past few months and especially once baby is here i dont think i can cope with this many cats as it can become a bit much when they all have such different personalities. Blaze is such a cute little menice, hes affectionate when he chooses to be mostly when he wants your food! He always always wants to eat like constantly he will never get full, he will eat all his food and still want your food when you sit down after a long day wanting to eat bless him, some cats are just never satisfied and want more but i dont think its a gut issue as he isnt displaying any other behaviours with it its just something he grew up doing since he was a baby. The same does apply for mowgli, however hes a tad bit calmer as he spends decent amount of time outdoors and once hes eaten hes happy to go back out, but if he is hungry during the time you eat he and blaze will both stare at you and try snatch your food when you aren’t looking. Or jump on the dining table to stare at you! They are such loving babies but they can be a little annoying when it comes to food 🙈 I do love them none the less and like I have said these things aren’t an issue for me as I have grown to manage it and live with it but with my first child on the way I’m scared I won’t be able to manage or cope with that behaviour. Mowgli is the sweetest and affectionate cat you will ever come across, he always wants to snuggle on your bed or around you instead of his own bed, he will also come for kisses and nose touches and rub his head all over your face and body. He’s absolutely just adorable and you will have plenty of laughs and love to give back to him. He loves being indoors as does blaze except he does prefer to go outdoors a lot more than blaze. He will go on wild goose chases and hunt for birds and squirrels and even sometimes show you what he has caught for a reward 🙊 He is the bigger sized one from the two and his chunkiness will really make your heart warm bless him. One thing to note about Mowgli is that he is only use to the people he knows and grows up around, any guests or strangers or people who do not live in the home that are there please be wary he will want to hide and if so, please let him, or if he wants to go outside perhaps once he is use to the area do let him. He does not like noise he will know when someone different is in the house. Blaze on the other hands is similar but once given some time or some love from the stranger he will try and get to know you and rub against you in fact would even want you to play with him with a foil ball or cat toy of some sort. He’s the footballer from the two of them and has more energy than mowgli purely maybe because of his weight. Mowgli is chunkier thus gets tired and out of breath quicker bless him. They are both such sweethearts honestly. Ps blaze loves to sit inside the sinks as you can see by the photos, and loves watching water run! It breaks my heart to give them away it really does 😞😢 they are so use to me calling them by their names in a squeaky high pitched tone and know when food time is and know when my voice comes on the food dispenser machine its so touching because they will always expect to hear my voice bless them 😞 I am finding it so hard to even write this and it upsets me ever so much I really wish I didn’t have to give them away 😭 I am looking for someone who can give them the same love, time, effort, affection, and patience that I have spent giving them over the past 2 years. I pray they eventually will settle with someone else and they must always stay together I feel as though one will be lost and upset without the other and it would break my heart as well as theirs to do that to them. They are the best of friends and brothers they are always chasing each other fighting one another then calm down and groom each other and sleep next to each other. They are almost inseparable. I love my boys so so much. I would love updates from the person they go to. Not microchipped I had to select for them to be advertised. Only neutered.
Rojina B.
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Rojina B.
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PAAG promotes responsible pet advertising to help protect animal welfare. That's why Pets4Homes works to ensure all of our adverts meet PAAG's minimum standards.


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