
Female pineapple conure

7 hours
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Meet Dottie my beautiful female (sexed) pineapple Conure. We had her from 12 weeks old she was hand reared and was perfect from the get go, we had never owned a parrot before so although we did a lot of research I very quickly realised that petting a bird other than on the head stimulates them so they become very attached to one person which was me but at the time this was great. Over a few months I noticed she would have a nibble at my 3 children (mainly 2 boys) so my eldest son is just terrified I cannot even get him to feed her through the cage, I’ve stopped handling her like I was which has improved things massively but she’s now spending more and more time in her cage because my eldest son is so scared of her and she actually isn’t bothered by him anymore. She definitely prefers women to men but not in an aggressive way she just chooses me over my husband, she loves nothing more to sit on my shoulder snuggle into my hair, and a tickle on the head, she is honestly amazing and I cannot let her go to anyone who isn’t going to give her to best home she deserves. She came to me on a pure seed diet (Johnson and Jeff conure mix) She now has Harrison’s pellets with a few seeds and fresh food/chop everyday, I have about 6 months supply of everything you will need apart from the fresh things with baskets of toys, the cage, baths, treats etc (will need a big car) Please only message me if your serious they are a big commitment, she would make a perfect bird to a single person or couple or a family who’s kids are confident with her because she likes to be the boss but you will fall in love with her.
Emma D.
3 hours
Member since:2 years
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Emma D.
3 hours
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PAAG promotes responsible pet advertising to help protect animal welfare. That's why Pets4Homes works to ensure all of our adverts meet PAAG's minimum standards.


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