
Superb Chocolate Carrier Merle Poodle Stud

1 week
Cocker SpanielAge: 5 years
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Adv. ID:bb_lvKEGA
Advert Type:For stud

Litter details

Adv. Location:Newcastle
Breed:Cocker Spaniel
Age:5 years, 1 month

Health & Docs

Worm and flea treatedKC registered by collectionHealth Checked by a vetVaccinations up to dateNeuteredMicrochipped by collection date
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NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Council Lisenced home Breeder. Veterinary Checked to the highest Standards. You won’t find anything better in the area , well proven Merle boy……🐩. Meet RIDDLER he is a Stunning Blue/ Silver Merle MINIATURE Poodle carrying chocolate at STUD. 🐩 This boy lives with me, he is mine since an 8 week old puppy and is in NO partnership so I know this boy inside out….. He has very defined Merle markings not wishy washy like some Merle’s and passes this on to his puppies….. you certainly won’t be disappointed with this boy He has even passed on TWEED MERLE which is rare. This is achievable Put to the right girl. He is 14 inches to the top of the shoulder. He is a real character to have around, Athletic and is a very lovable boy. This boy is a real Head Turner... This boy is now working and is pleased to meet the ladies. Cross breeding only NO Poodle matings or Merle x Merle/ carrier matings. He is Mm so NOT double Merle. He is fully health tested with both Laboklin and Embark. CLEAR…200 heath tests clear .: 🐩prcd - PRA . 🐩rcd4 - PRA / LOPRA 🐩von Willebrands disease type 1 🐩Degenerative Myelopathy 🐩Neonatal Encephalopathy 🐩Plus 200 other health tests. You will get a copy of his named health tests at the time of mating. Please remember Merles are NOT K.C reg what ever breed you have. Stud fee is made at first mating £250 Scan is included the fee also I also have a Red Miniature Poodle and Red Toy Poodle at Stud, so there is a choice
Helen Helegrin Canines
Licensed Breeder
2 hours
Member since:12 years
Helen Helegrin Canines
Licence No.:M019027
Local Authority:Newcastle-Under-Lyme Borough Council
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Helen Helegrin Canines
Licensed Breeder
2 hours
Member since:12 years
Helen Helegrin Canines
Licence No.:M019027
Local Authority:Newcastle-Under-Lyme Borough Council
Verified by:

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