
Siskin. 7/8 yrs. Available for adoption.

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Original breeder:
Advert Type:For adoption

Litter details

Adv. Location:Brixham
Viewable with Mother:
Ready to Leave:2025-03-08
Age:7 years, 9 months
Pets in litter:1 female

Health & Docs

NeuteredMicrochipped by collection dateKC registered by collectionHealth Checked by a vetWorm and flea treatedVaccinations up to date
Helpful perks with every Pet Payment
• For puppy parents: exclusive access to Zigzag, #1 puppy training app dedicated to puppy hood


AVAILABLE- PLEASE SHARE- ‘Siskin’ 7yr old gal who ADORES people. Are you lonely but prefer animals to people? Siskin is the maiden for you Siskin on the cusp of what should be her golden years found herself dejected & lonely wondering around a ‘town’. This wasn’t a town like York- think of a waste ground of indifference & hopelessness if you happen to be a dog. Siskin was most likely before that (hence suddenly appearing in the area) held captive confined on a chain, thrown bread & neglected. Once she had served whatever purpose her ‘owner’ thought they’d achieved by abusing her she was cast out like an empty drinks can. Whilst that may appear to be ‘freedom’ on the surface of things. without an ability to fend for yourself, with no water, food or care- it’s just a different hell with new dangers. From there some kind people (compared to what’s out there) asked the government pound to take her & that’s when our welfare stepped in. The pounds are not like U.K. shelters & without homing facilities the dogs are still not safe there. If you’d like more information please ask. This is why we help them & Siskin is one such soul needing a lifeline. Without homes we cannot achieve a future for her & others. As she & so many bounce back & keep putting their faith in us- for me that alone deserves a frantic scramble & concerted effort to bring her her first birthday, **** and walk on the beach. What can Siskin give you? Endless love, unquestionable devotion, warm nights, completion & a sense of tranquility like a hearth of the home. She’s not quite a senior - she’s hovering on the fringes of & I desperately want this darling girl to know happiness…. true happiness. The video you see is the first time we met before I named her & if that’s the kind of unconditional welcome she gives to strangers imagine what your bond together would be. Her personal details & qualities:- Age: 7yrs (approximate) at time of writing 7.3.25 Size: good medium Breed: mixed Coat: smooth / short Sex: female Adults women / men Dog trained older children Dogs Handling Walking Lead Travelling Ready made companion Neutered Blood tested including brucellosis negative Passport Microchip Flea/tick/worming Health certificate Clinical inspection Must haves: Enclosed private garden or outside space Good walks Their Dream is our Objective ‘Golden Oldie Dreams’ When someone comes to take a younger dog these dogs are at the back of the cage dreaming about a fire to warm them, hearing a soft voice talking to them rather than to a puppy. When the people walk away and their left there in their loneliness, they’re dreaming about their special person taking them, to care for them in their dotage- kindness laughter, comfort and above all company. Care, comfort and company- the three magical c’s- don’t we all need that as we are getting older ? They have been, chained up, ignored, left in mud, cold, without shelter, thrown stale bread and then when they are too infirm, Ill through neglect, injured, even pregnant they get cast away at a time in their lives that they are least able to survive in the world. Long, long days tethered in the same spot never spoken to never walked, never loved- imagine that if you can. They should have kindness- basic kindness and they should all know what that it is for the remainder of their days. It doesn’t matter how many days, months or years they have to experience that joy - we can make their dreams come true Their promotional caption- ‘Release the puppy within’ adoptions- don’t rule out the senior dogs- they can surprise you. It’s their first home & that can give them a verve for life & release the puppy within. Dispel the misconceptions & choose a Golden Oldie today. Please join our golden oldie page- ask for details Official rescue break the chains bg/uk RBU subject to contract Early enquiries welcome chat to trish, leesa , Karen Non-discrimination subject to checks and home check applies
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