
Stunning proven KC Miniature Poodle

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CavapooAge: 4 years
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Adv. ID:bofhnVbz8
Advert Type:For stud

Litter details

Adv. Location:Cannock
Age:4 years, 2 months

Health & Docs

Worm and flea treatedVaccinations up to dateMicrochipped by collection dateKC registered by collectionHealth Checked by a vetNeutered
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Cytology testing to pin point ovulation and decide mating schedule, 2 matings, a pregnancy scan and my support throughout is included in the stud fee. Hugo (aka Huey, H, and Boodle bum!) Red KC registered Miniature Poodle, proven. No one compares to him in the Midlands area for the level of testing. Bred by me, and raised with nothing but love. H is the most loving, hilariously funny boy you could ever wish to meet and father your babies. His temperament is second to none! Perfect example of the breed in every way, conformationally correct and an impressive set of Dna results too. Tested by Mydogdna lab and clear of Prcd-PRA Von Willebrands disease types 1,2 & 3 Osteochondroplasia Degenerative Myelopathy Neonatal Encephalopathy with seizures And many many others Also tested by Laboklin for rcd4 PRA/LOPRA (Pregressive retinal Atrophy) Also BVA eye tested by James Oliver and Clinically unaffected by eye conditions. Hips, & elbow scored by The Bva Hips 6/7 out of 106 Elbows 0/0 Patella grading both scored a perfect 0/4 and stable. Huey has the most amazing coat! Colour tested as follows 2 copies of red 2 copies of tan point 0 copies of masking (ee, atat, kyky) No brown, no parti, no dominant black. No merle, but he's not suitable for merle breeding so please do not ask. He is 9.5kg and 15" to the withers. Athletic build and in tip top health. Raw fed, and raised as naturally as possible without the use of chemicals. He lives as a family member, and will always live with us as so. We do not support breeders that discard their dogs once they're no longer breeding!! Our dogs are our whole world. They lead full and enriched lives, allowed to be dogs and love their job. The moment I feel that's no longer the case they will stop immediately. Matings are carried out safely, in the comfort of my log cabin lounge. The whole experience should be a pleasant one for both you and your girl. In the unlikely event that we are not successful, a free return will be offered on the next season, upon proof of an empty scan (if not carried out by me personally) Providing progesterone or cytology testing is carried out. Breeding blind is not advisable. We do not wing anything at Chase Cockapoos & Miniature Poodles. Breeding is a monumental responsibility, please don't undertake it without a mentor to lean on. I pride myself on my bulletproof ethics, professional yet friendly service. Breeders often go on to become my friends, and hopefully inherit my passion for doing things well. Do look me and business up. My boys and the puppies I produce, will speak for themselves.
Chase cockapoos
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Chase cockapoos
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