
Hi, I'm Enzo and I'm only £50.

8 hours
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Mixed Breed Puppy 1Male£75
Mixed Breed Puppy 2Female£75



Adv. ID:CCP-hm6F4
Advert Type:For sale
Original breeder:

Litter details

Adv. Location:Hailsham
Pets in litter:1 male / 1 female
Age:1 year, 5 months
Ready to Leave:2025-03-13
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
Helpful perks with every Pet Payment
• For puppy parents: exclusive access to Zigzag, #1 puppy training app dedicated to puppy hood


£75 was the lowest amount we could put in. We are only asking for £50 though, and that's just so that we can sift out the wrongens, as they only want dogs that are free because they'll treat them badly. We want him to go to a forever home filled with love which is the only reason we are asking for something. Plus, he needs to be neutered, so you'll have that expense. Enzo is the most loving, cuddly, gentle natured dog you'll come across. He is extremely good with adults and children and sees every single dog as a potential friend. He's house trained and obeys commands such as sit, wait, bed and feast. He doesnt scrounge human food either but will eat unattended food! He does require some lead training as he pulls hard when he sees other dogs, however, it's just because he wants to say hello and play. He responds better to food rather than toys when it comes to training. He likes feet for some reason and his favourite toys are shoes! He is energetic and loves a really good long walk. Even better if you're running so hed make an excellent exercise buddy! After a good burn out, he loves nothing more than a dinner of wet food and biscuits mixed together followed by cuddles on the sofa so he can fall asleep with his head in your lap. He can be left alone whilst you're at work, so long as you keep him occupied with a large bone full of marrow, and he sleeps alone too. He sleeps alone every night because we have 2 cats that are scared of him. He has never given them reason to be afraid, they just don't like him so they sleep upstairs with us whilst Enzo sleeps downstairs. He has chased them on the odd occasion he's been able to, but he's never shown any form of aggression, just curiosity and the sad look of 'why won't they play with me?' Enzo will make a great companion. He really is a gentle giant. We need to rehome him because of my personal health, and my employment circumstances have changed so he's become a financial strain. We just can't give him the life he requires or deserves. We will miss him but he deserves so much better than we are able to offer. I had to say that he's coming from a litter. He's not so ignore the bit about siblings. I'm not sure why the site makes you state that- unless I've done it wrong. Either way, Enzo is a lone dog.
Natasha H.
4 hours
Member since:3 months
Natasha H.
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Natasha H.
4 hours
Member since:3 months
Natasha H.
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