I am an experienced top rated, reputable 5⭐️ council inspected and vet checked home breeder, always taking opportunities to further my understanding and knowledge on dogs/puppies . The upmost care, provision and of course love is given right from the start! All my dogs & puppies receiving the upmost love and care. Introduced to careful handling from day one, they are well socialised and climatized to every day noises, and even those you may not hear every day like train sounds, fireworks etc.
My dogs and puppies welfare is paramount and I strive to give my puppies the best start in life and continue to maintain this when finding them their forever 5⭐️ homes.
Mum is my very loyal loving family pet, with the most caring and affectionate personalities, always eager to please! Mum
Is home bred, and was pick of the litter alongside her brother who I also kept as a stud.
Dad is a selected show type cocker spaniel stud from a fellow licensed breeder who has sired several successful litters going on to show fantastic show type qualities.
Mum is my home bred, fantastic example of a show type cocker spaniel who is super sweet and playful. Mum has the most wonderful loving temperament and is very doting on her puppies! Always wanting to please & loves nothing more then cuddles with my son! Mum is kennel club registered.
Mum is DNA heredity clear of the following health tests -
🧬 AMS - clear.
🧬FN - clear.
🧬prcd - PRA clear.
Dad is KC registered and is also
🧬 AMS - clear.
🧬FN - clear.
🧬prcd - PRA clear.
The relevant certificates will be shown to you on visiting.
Both parents will be here alongside the puppies, eager to meet you!
My puppies are raised and socialised around my very loving but very loud 5 year old son. He loves nothing more than to cuddle up with pups and mum!
My outstanding puppies have been carefully handled and socialised from birth, meeting all generations for cuddles! Following the Kennel Club socialisation guide I ensure they have the best start to socialising in every aspect possible. Finding their feet they are eager to get up close and personal and are loving cuddles!
Recieving mums milk which is full of antbodies and essential nutrients the puppies are getting the best start and will continue to do so when carefully weaned onto BETA puppy.
My puppies will recieve careful toilet training, and will always be giving the oppotunity to use the appropriate toilet facilities.
Within our busy family setting my puppies will recieve the opportunity for lot's of great socialisation from visitors of all ages and are regularly exposed to soon to be familiar sounds, i.e the hoover, washing machine, tumble drier etc. I also play a sound cd to ensure my puppies are also familiar with sounds like traffic, fire works, gun shots etc.
My puppies are very much loved and cared for recieving 5* treatment and i will esnure this is continued within their 5* homes.
My puppies will receive their first injection, microchip, flea treatment and be up to date with their worming.
The puppies, alongside mum are wormed with Panacur every two weeks from two weeks old, for 3 days. Carefully weighed they are given the correct dosage according to their weight.
⚠️Please note - a puppy is NOT just for part time care and careful conideration needs to be saught before commiting!! They, like any animal are a life long commitment.
My puppies will not leave for their new homes without the Puppy contract being carefully read and signed by both parties.⚠️💕
When leaving for their forever homes my puppies will leave with-
🐾Vaccination card
🐾KC papers & insurance
🐾Microchip details
🐾Puppy contract
🐾Detailed Routine/Settling information
🐾Scented Blanket.
🐾Small bag of Beta puppy
🐾Chew toy.
🐾Toy basket
🐾Life time support from myself.
A non refundable £300 cash deposit, reserves your puppy you will receive a receipt with this payment.
Look forward to hearing from you!🐶🐾💕
Please ensure before visiting you have not been to visit another litter the same day before us to ensure infection or illnesses will not be passed on to my puppies.
You will be asked to take your shoes off/disinfect them at the door before entering. & asked to sanitise your hands.
⭐️viewings will commence on the Thursday 27th march 2025 - I work on a first come first serve basis & I am only able to reserve a puppy with a deposit.⭐️