

6 hours
Staffordshire Bull TerrierAge: 6 years
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Adv. ID:e4ITxlPY4
Advert Type:For stud

Litter details

Adv. Location:Manchester
Breed:Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Age:6 years

Health & Docs

Worm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetMicrochipped by collection dateKC registered by collectionVaccinations up to dateNeutered
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KING FURY, UK’s finest SOLID blue. (NO WHITE) FURY (KENYNTEN JACKS MY PAL) is PROVEN time and time again. He is the grandson of the most famous blue SBT in the country the great BLUE BRONSON. His great grandad is *UK* CHAMPION VALGLO CASANOVA AT CROSSGUNS an all time great being a 3 time crufts winner, he was one of the original champions in the SBT world. Also the world famous BLUE BOUNCER is his grandad too! Countless top valglo dogs in his lines as well. The list really is endless! Before we go any further into the introduction of KING FURY and his physical attributes and credentials we would like to make you aware of the benefits and incentives that are included within our professionally packaged stud deal… 2 assisted matings 48 hours apart✅ FREE microchips for your full litter✅ FREE re mate if your girl is scanned for less than 3 pups✅ (ovulation tested and KC females only) FREE re mate in the very unlikely case your girl doesn’t catch✅ (ovulation tested females only) We also have an extensive list of customers waiting for KING FURYS offsprings so we can help promote your litter in an effort to generate more customers for your pups, we have helped sell many out of house puppys with countless references to back this up✅ Pick of the litter considered✅ And finally but most importantly our upmost care, support and guidance all the way throughout your girls pregnancy and for the whole 8 weeks that they are in your care. Again we have countless references to support our claims in regards to the help and support we give our customers, many of which have now become good friends. I have owned this exceptional breed from being a young boy which is where my love and obsession of them started. And I am not just a stud owner I’m a historian and enthusiast of the breed so the information and knowledge I am able to pass on is something money can’t buy✅ *KEEP THIS IN MIND WITH THE RECENT INFLUX OF COVID BREEDERS THAT LACK EVEN THE BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF THE BREED AND BREEDING IN GENERAL* NONE ON THIS SITE COME CLOSE TO THIS OFFER LET ALONE MATCH IT! We offer benefits and incentives no other stud owners offer. FACT✅ FURY is DARK BLUE, SOLID BLUE. NO WHITE. (Which is more rare than the common blue with white) weighing 20kg (desired show standard weight 18-21kg) standing 14” tall (TTW) not tall or heavy like most you see these days! Jet black nails on every single nail, the more desirable big chocolate brown eyes, Black nose, Short and really stocky but ripped too, big bully type head with original staffy wrinkles over his cheeks when he shows off that famous staffy smile. He has an extremely high sperm count which can be seen for yourself on the first mating of your girl when placed under the microscope. He is L2-HC clear which is of paramount importance. *ITS A FACT THAT FURY IS ONE OF IF NOT THE BEST SOLID BLUE *UK* SBT STUDS AVAILABLE, WITH HIS PUPS BEING THE MOST IN CUSTOMER DEMAND! THIS CAN QUITE EASILY BE SEEN FOR YOURSELF BY STUDYING THE SBT FOR SALE SECTION OF THIS SITE, WHEN DOING SO IT SOON BECOMES APPARENT WHICH STUD DOGS OFFSPRINGS ARE STRUGGLING TO SELL THE MOST, WITH PUPS STUCK ON THE MARKET UNTIL THEY ARE 12-14 WEEKS OLD. (THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED WITH A FURY LITTER) DONT BE FOOLED BY A LOT OF THE SALES TACTICS, ALL THAT GLITTERS ISN'T GOLD. FURYS pups will be shown on our Instagram page to give everyone an insight into the quality he produces. Our page is attached at the bottom of this advert⬇️ We have added pictures of FURYS pups. To give you a visual representation of how his offspring turn out. FURY is part of our family and he is loved dearly and lives inside our home. Our dogs are family not pets. He also has an excellent protective nature around children. He is excellent with other dogs too. The price is £450 over 2 matings across the space of 48 hours, fee to be paid on first breeding. His puppies are selling online for £1800-£2500 in a short space of time. Do not fall for the sales tactics of some people falsely claiming their stud dogs offspring sell for £3500. No SBT puppys are selling for this much anymore these were covid prices! Again this can quite easily be seen for yourself by studying the SBT for sale section of this site. WORLDWIDE semen shipping and next day UK delivery available to your local k9 clinic to save travelling if this suits you better as we have people from all over the country pairing their girls to FURY. So in some cases this can be a better option also more time and cost effective for yourselves. We can send his semen to any clinic within the UK that can perform the procedure within 24 hours of request. Here at SOUTH MANNY SBT’s we are here to better this outstanding breed and by pairing FURY to your intended girl you can too. We don’t use the overused unoriginal breeder term “passion” Its not a passion for us its an obsession! #STAFFYLIFE thank you for reading. L2-HGA CLEAR✅ HC-HSF4 CLEAR✅ KC REGISTERED✅ REGULAR HEALTH TESTS✅ UK’s BEST STUDS IN HIS LINES✅ NO TURKISH OR EUROPEAN IMPORT LINES🚫 Instagram-@south_manny_sbts📸
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