
Male Doberman

12 hours
DobermannAge: 4 years1 male
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Dobermann Puppy 1Male£250



Adv. ID:F2MHAe1me
Original breeder:
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:Doncaster
Pets in litter:1 male
Viewable with Mother:
Ready to Leave:2025-03-25
Age:4 years, 6 months

Health & Docs

KC registered by collectionHealth Checked by a vetWorm and flea treatedVaccinations up to dateNeuteredMicrochipped by collection date
Helpful perks with every Pet Payment
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Percy is a male intact Doberman. Approx turning 5 in September, we re homed him in 2022 and he never came with any paper work etc. We believe he was imported from Romania. He is very playful and does require 2 walks a day, so don’t show interest if you are not dedicated to for-fill his needs. He knows the normal commands, sit, lay, paw and stay. He has been around small children and been fine with them, he also lives with a female dog. He doesn’t get on well with males, so to be rehomed with either a female or only dog. He can just be boisterous when excited or when people arrive to the house. Percy has lacked a hell of alot of training from been a young pup, I will be honest we have tried our best but with 3 kids it’s proven difficult. Ideally we would like him to go to someone where Percy can be the main priority and all attention is on him. He’s very much a Velcro dog, a man’s best friend. He absolutely does not like the crate, it makes him very stressed. Please no time wasters as it will be sad to see him go, any more questions just pop me a message.
Lauren C.
3 hours
Member since:3 years
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Lauren C.
3 hours
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