
Cat Looking for a new home

West Bromwich
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Domestic Shorthair Kitten 1Female£50



Adv. ID:g7Pn5bd3g
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:West Bromwich
Pets in litter:1 female
Age:8 years
Ready to Leave:2025-03-05
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetRegistered
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I rescued this cat back in April 2024. I gave her the pet name Lucky. She was abandoned, severely injured and had newborn kittens. She has come a long way since then, I have had her vaccinated, spayed, and done numerous vet visits to heal her injury. Her leg was almost hanging off due to an embedded collar. It does however still have a little bit of healing left to do, which requires daily ointments which I can supply. It is more like a patch of inflamed skin than a deep open wound like it once was. The vet agrees that the last little bit of healing is most likely being hindered by the fact she is outside and homing her to someone who can keep her indoors would speed up the healing process. I can show before and after pictures to show what a long way this brave brave girl has come. She lives on my front garden. I've reached out to every single rescue you can name, and none of them want to know. She is estimated to be around 8 years old. She is so loving and friendly. She is missing her bottom front teeth which the vet believes was a result of deliberate harm. I feel she deserves better than a kennel on my front garden, she deserves a loving warm sofa and a home to call her own. I haven't been able to take her inside as she is not good with my dogs, and likewise one of my German shepherd's isn't cat friendly. I've opened the door on more than one occasion now and she's tried to enter my home not knowing the dogs behind me. Luckily he is well trained and I can control him from chasing her, however it is now beginning to warm up and my fear is if she sneaks in through an open window when I'm not around and finds herself getting mauled to death. I could not live with this on my conscious. She's a happy girl, spending her days lounging around outside. She doesn't wander off or leave the vicinity of the home. Every morning she's outside waiting to greet me and have her breakfast. If I could make it work between her and the dog I would happily let her stay. However, I feel it is her fear of the dogs and her lashing out if they approach her that is leading up to my one shepherd becoming fixated on her as she has almost had his eyes out on many occasions now. So there just isn't any way at all to safely integrate her into the home without either my dogs losing an eye or lucky getting bitten if my working dog retaliates to her swipes at him. Homes will be vetted, I will need a reference from your vet, proof of I.D so I know you are who you say you are. I will not run the risk of her ending up in a dog fighters hands. Although there is no fee for her, I would welcome a donation to an animal rescue (Not the rspca). Someone somewhere must have a loving warm bed this girl can curl up on after her traumatic life. And when I say friendly, she is unrealistically friendly. She is so laid back its unreal. I saved her from deaths door and its now time to see her on the final end of her journey to complete happiness.
West Bromwich
23 minute
Member since:3 years
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West Bromwich
23 minute
Member since:3 years
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