
4 yr old rescue cat looking for her forever home

16 hours
Mixed BreedAge: 4 years1 female
Powell5.00(1 review)
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Mixed Breed Kitten 1Female£180



Adv. ID:g8G1YgtVN
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:Hook
Pets in litter:1 female
Breed:Mixed Breed
Age:4 years, 9 months
Ready to Leave:2025-03-23
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetRegistered
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Hi I’m Rebecca. I foster rescued cats and kittens, help them get back on their feet and find them new homes when they’re ready. (Rescues are full and waiting lists are long, so I take the poppets with nowhere else to go - sadly there are many of them). I do this independently with a couple of other ladies and we use our own finances, adoption fees and kind donations to provide the necessary food, litter, toys, vets bills for spaying, neutering, MoTs and medication etc. I believe that every cat deserves to be loved and to feel safe. And while I can’t help them all, I do as much as I can. 4 year old Winter is a very special and unusual case. I was actually there to witness her come in to this world when my own cat, Theodora Plod (Teddy) gave birth to her back in those crazy lock down days. At the time, cats weren’t being spayed and it sparked a crisis on unimaginable proportions in this country. During the lockdown period, an extra 80,000 kittens were born than normal for that length of time. There is a serious lack of education around how young, often and easily female cats get pregnant and those 80,000 have multiplied beyond control. Many have ended up on the streets and when kittens have kittens it creates major health problems all round. Even worse, many people simply don’t want to or can’t care for a litter of kittens and many are dumped….Left to continue breeding on the streets without shelter, food, healthcare or love. Although Theodora’s kittens all found wonderful new homes, I was mortified when I discovered I was a part of this reality and detest that it is now worse than ever. This realisation, over four years ago, was what sparked my determination to give what I can back to the cats in this country and try to right the wrong I feel I did to my own beloved Teddy when I allowed her to have her kittens. So Winter is very special indeed. She is long haired like her mother. Her grandfather was a pedigree mainecoon. Her mother is half mainecoon and her father was a gorgeous ginger Tom called Bear (we believe). Teddy’s children are all lovely in nature as adults. Winter has an independent spirit but is also very sociable and affectionate. Winter has lived with young children her whole life so would be comfortable in a young family scenanio. Sadly the newest child in the family is highly allergic to Winter and hence she needs a new home. Equally (and just like her mum) she is an independent woman who does her thing during the day and enjoys her own company as long as cuddles and attention is on offer later in the day (and when it suits her). So she would also suit a house with no children or grown up children where she had space to do her thing in the day and was made a fuss of later on the sofa. She’s not a ‘lap’ cat but absolutely craves human love and fuss and will snuggle up next to her owner human, just not on them necessarily!! She hasn’t lived with other cats or dogs so this could be a sticking point but if her mum is anything to go by, she could probably live with other cats if properly introduced with a careful scent sharing approach and if given the respect and time she may need in order to be comfortable. Winter has been incredibly loved and still is. She is healthy and happy with no trauma in her past. She is already spayed and vaccinated so is pretty much ready to embark on the next part of her journey. I ask for a donation of £180 for adult females and every penny of that is used as a contribution to my costs of caring for whoever comes next. I make no profit at all and am absolutely not a breeder. I consider adoption offers very carefully. It’s so important to me that my fosters go to safe, loving and permanent homes. I have certain questions I may ask and although I don’t feel the need to do actual home checks, I do request for a short video that shows where the cat would be going at the start of the adoption process and before I agree to any meetings of the foster etc. If the cat has ended up in my care then they probably haven’t had the life they deserve until now and I need to be sure that I have found them a far better future or I’m failing them. - in winter’s case, it’s fab she’s had a wonderful start but she deserves the right future as much as anyone and I will not settle for less than perfect for her 🥰 Sadly Winter is by far the only pal of mine in need of a proper forever home so if you are interested in rescuing but aren’t sure Winter is the right fit for you please feel free to message me. And if you would like to donate and enable me to continue my mission: - To scoop up the lost, abused and abandoned - teach them to trust and love again - get them healthy and happy - and neuter or spay them so we can get a grip on the kitten epidemic in this country - then find them the home they deserve…. Please message me for details on how you can donate by Amazon wish or GoFundMe (thank you) :) x
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