
Handsome fun loving Rudolph

3 days
Brittany SpanielAge: 6 years
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Adv. ID:Gre7PsCPx
Original breeder:
Advert Type:For adoption

Litter details

Adv. Location:Camberley
Breed:Brittany Spaniel
Viewable with Mother:
Ready to Leave:2025-03-25
Age:6 years, 2 months

Health & Docs

KC registered by collectionHealth Checked by a vetWorm and flea treatedVaccinations up to dateNeuteredMicrochipped by collection date
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Rudolph is good with people. He prefers getting to know dogs before committing to a proper friendship. He is not keen on energetic dogs who run at him or make him play when he doesn't want to. Rudolph loves to run but like most Brittany's (also called Bretons), will then use him time wisely, sniffing and seeing what lies in the bushes. Rudolph is a gentleman and will sit quietly in his bed until it's his turn to go out. Rudolph arrived with a number of health issues, including his cherry eye for which he is being treated for. Rudolph doesn't let all of this get him down and copes admirably with life. Age: 6 Breed: Brittany Weight: 17 kg Height: 51 cm Location: Cordoba, Spain but coming to foster in the UK! IDEAL HOME: Rudolph is very interested in the hens, so should not be in a home with small furries or birds. BACKGROUND: Rudolph was one of many dogs trapped at a municipal pound that was about to close. He was ill with various problems and nobody wanted to take him. When a fellow rescue asked if we could help, we couldn't say no to this poor dog, and so ran bloods in anticipation of taking him. Unfortunately, the bloods showed that Rudolph had heartworm - he has since started treatment, and is doing very well. Rudolph also has an eye issue which needs surgery before he can be adopted, as well as an old break in one of his front legs. Rudolph is a Breton and was a working dog - please research the breed-specific needs of the Breton/Brittany before applying. Please contact us if you would like to apply to adopt. ***** All of our dogs have an international passport (unless born in the UK) and are microchipped. They are fully vaccinated for standard diseases as well as rabies and kennel cough. All dogs are blood tested for infectious diseases including Leishmaniasis, Dirofilaria, Ehrlichia, Babesia, Anaplasma, Lyme and Brucella. All dogs, unless there are medical or behavioural reasons to not do so, will be sterilised. Rudolph is neutered. Please note that we will advise results and treatments upon successful application. Adoption contract and fee, homecheck and lifetime RBU (rescue back-up) apply as standard.
Animal Angels Global
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