Dear future owners of our puppies, the puppies we offer are not commodities but individuals who have character, specific characteristics, and qualities that would fit well in some families while their offspring would fit well in others. Since puppies cannot make a choice, it remains for you to make the right one and choose the character that would suit you the most.
Our puppies are already at the right age to take on their new families - they are big enough and their characters have developed, but at the same time they are still small and will easily adapt to the new environment.
Prices vary between £1500-£1700
Please read the description of each one carefully before making a choice.
Khaan / Purple is the largest of all the puppies. He is calm and dignified. He loves caressings and loves to be carried in your arms, but does not impose himself. He has an inner sense of dignity and that is why we named him Khaan (ruler).
Khaan loves to have his fur combed and tolerates the drier. In a new and unfamiliar environment, he stays close to his people. Khaan will adapt easily in to families with a more relaxed lifestyle.
Kubrat/ Light green is the other large puppy from the litter. Kubrat is determined, curious and playful. He is not afraid of new things and would embark on any adventure. Kubrat loves his rat toy and always protects it, not letIng others play with it. Playful and fast, he would be suitable for people with a more dynamic lifestyle or for families with children. Kubrat likes to have his fur combed but does not like the drier.
Kardam /Dark Green is the mischievous one of the litter - he is active and playful but very tactile at the same time - he constantly jumps and wants to be cuddled. He is the most affectionate of all the puppies. Kardam participates in all the competitions, and he would tear the sock first or unwrap the toilet paper, but his competition is to get to the human's arms first and he always wins. Kardam has exceptionally thick fur and loves to be brushed but is afraid of the drier. Kardam would be suitable for people with a dynamic lifestyle and/or families with children.
Kazak / Blue is another unique character from this litter. He is an engineer and an inventor and is constantly trying to understand how things work. You will see him jumping into the washing machine to study how it works, digging under the table or tearing the toy to get the squeaker out. He is loving and cuddly and very gentle. His most valuable quality in my opinion is his cleanliness - from the first day he realized that he could get out of the enclosure and do his job outside, he refused to dirty his bedroom, screaming to get out every time he had to. Now in the larger room, he has chosen a corner for this purpose and has even taught his brothers to keep it clean. He likes to be groomed and would tolerate the dryer. He would be suitable for any family that can offer him adventures and training.
Karat / Orange is a gem. He is balanced and calm. He participates in all games but does not seek to dominate, he is smart and cuddly but does not impose himself. He has a beautiful, proportionate posture and a nice thick coat. Karat would get along with everyone because he has a soft character and is tolerant. He likes to be groomed and has a nice thick coat. Suitable for both families with a dynamic lifestyle and for settled and calm owners.
Kiko / Red is the little miracle of the litter. He was born extremely small and we did not believe that he would survive, but he proved us wrong. There is so much passion, strength and will to live in this dog... He caught up with his brothers and became incredibly handsome. Kiko is extremely tactile and affectionate. He and Kardam are in a constant race for a place in the owner's arms and heart. He will feel good surrounded by many people who will pamper him.
About mom and dad: The parents of the little jewels are carefully selected to guarantee both healthy and strong offspring and physical characteristics typical of the breed. Mom Alba is a show class with the characteristic and sought-after bear look and thick white fur, while Dad is the bearer of the strength, toughness and endurance sought and desired by many breeders, breeding dogs for competitions, with a more wolfish look and a slightly cream tinge. Mom is dynamic, tactile and playful in character, while Dad is calm and balanced.
The puppies go to their new homes with 5 weeks of insurance, food, toys and blankets.
Boy or girl?
Due to prejudice or misconceptions about the difference in the character of male and female dogs or for a number of other reasons, many clients are looking for mainly female dogs - this is shown by my experience with previous litters.
Based on my many years of experience with this breed, I would like to debunk the main myth.
Namely: Female dogs are easier to raise - not true - it is primarily a matter of character and individuality, but if there is any difference based on gender, it is in favour of males, not females. Males are more calm and balanced, according to my observations. If the male is used for breeding and has a dominant character, then he sometimes can show dominant behaviour towards other non-neutered males but in general, they are more trainable and calm. Females, especially more than one in a pack, constantly form groups and compete. They are more socially active and more prone to dominant behaviour.
It is not good to castrate/neuter dogs before their development is complete, and this means that owners of the females will have to deal with at least two seasons, if not three, by that period, while with males this problem does not exist.
Fact: In addition, male dogs have a richer coat, form a mane, and are regal and more beautiful than females (if that makes any difference). It is no coincidence that the title of champion of the breed is won mainly by male dogs.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.