
Cavapoos Born to Extensively Health Tested Parents

9 hours
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Cavapoo Puppy 3Female£1,950
Cavapoo Puppy 4Female£1,950
Cavapoo Puppy 5Female£1,950
Cavapoo Puppy 6Female£1,950



Adv. ID:IBKYdtpO6
Advert Type:For sale
Original breeder:

Litter details

Adv. Location:Stoke-on-Trent
Pets in litter:7 female
Age:5 weeks, 6 days
Ready to Leave:2025-04-02
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
Helpful perks with every Pet Payment
• For puppy parents: exclusive access to Zigzag, #1 puppy training app dedicated to puppy hood


Pawfect Cavachons & Co has 3 remaining Cavapoos looking for the best families. My amazing girl who DNA tested CLEAR for PRCD PRA (progressive retinal atrophy) Neonatal Encephalopathy’s Osteochondrodysplasia PRA LOPRA (progressive retinal atrophy) Degenerative Myelopathy Von Willebrand Disease Type1 She is BVA eye tested clear by an ophthalmologist and Patella scored 0/0. She is a Apricot/red coloured Mini Poodle who is Kennel Club registered. The puppies were born on 5th February 2025. I am overjoyed to present to special potential owners 1 red girl, 1 Apricot and White boy, 4 Black and Tan girls, 1 Black girl. Mum will be available to view with her pups. Dad, Frankie is a Kennel Club Black and Tan Cavalier King Charles Spaniel I have photographs available of Frankie. He is a public stud. I do not own Dad. Dad is extensively health tested He is Cardiologist heart tested clear for MVD He is BVA eye tested by an ophthalmologist clear for MRD and Cataracts. He is DNA CLEAR for… Curly Coat and Dry Eye Sydrome Episodic Falling Degenerative Myelopathy The puppies are broughy up in the heart of our home and will be used to all household noises and also introduced to other dogs within our home to help with socialisation. Pups are monitored 24 hours a day and handled every day by adults and children. Puppies will be used to being bathed and blow dried to help with desensitisation for grooming later in life. Evidence of this will also be in owners information pack. Weather permitting and age appropriate, pups will go outside to experience the garden, where they will get used to different textures under foot and outdoor smells. Pups will also be introduced to a plethora of interactive toy to enhance their senses and activities such as the tunnel, balance board and ramp. Also, pups will experience additional noises this included 🖤 television, vacuum cleaner and the radio etc Pups will be exposed to other loud sounds this includes 🖤 simulated fireworks noises 🖤 simulated heavy rain, thunder and windy weather. This in turn will aid confidence, curiosity and promote pups to investigate new environments. 🖤The puppies will be toilet trained 🖤The puppies will be desensitised to wearing a collar 🖤 A big focus will be on crate training All this information will be documented in a report for their puppy. I will also, send regular pictures and a video of your chosen pup to show how they are growing and developing. You will be given the opportunity to connect with your puppies siblings via an owner WhatsApp group. New owners will also have a puppy packwhich will contain… 🖤a puppy blanket containing the scent of mum and siblings 🖤 bag of eden food 🖤 a toy 🖤 puppy sales contract 🖤 socialisation/Exposure report 🖤microchip details/database for transfer All the puppies will be microchipped and leave with 4 weeks free insurance. They will have a health check with my vet and each puppy will have a vet report. 💚Monday Black & Tan (Green Collar Girl) AVAILABLE 💗Tuesday Black & Tan (Pink Collar Girl) AVAILABLE 💙Wednesday Black & Tan (Blue Collar Girl) RESERVED 💜Thursday Black & Tan (Purple Collar Girl) RESERVED 🧡Friday Apricot (Orange Collar Boy) RESERVED ♥️Saturday Red (Red Collar Girl) RESERVED 🖤Sunday Black(Biege Collar Girl) AVAILABLE Please visit my website and see my reviews
Pawfect Cavachons & Co
Licensed Breeder
8 hours
Member since:10 years
Licence No.:SMDC/ABR108
Local Authority:Staffordshire Moorlands Council
Verified by:

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Pawfect Cavachons & Co
Licensed Breeder
8 hours
Member since:10 years
Licence No.:SMDC/ABR108
Local Authority:Staffordshire Moorlands Council
Verified by:

Terms, conditions and excesses apply. For a summary of what is covered you can read the Insurance Product Information Document for the 5 weeks free pet insurance from Agria and for further information please refer to the Policy Terms and Conditions booklet. These important documents will also now be sent to you by post / email.

Pet Media Ltd trading as Pets4Homes is an Appointed Representative of Agria Pet Insurance Ltd, who administer the insurance. Agria Pet Insurance is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Register Number 496160. Agria Pet Insurance Ltd is registered and incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 04258783. Registered office: First Floor, Blue Leanie, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 7QW. Agria insurance policies are underwritten by Agria Försäkring who is authorised and regulated by the Prudential Regulatory Authority and Financial Conduct Authority.