
Kc reg Serbian import for stud

1 month
Welsh Corgi PembrokeAge: 2 years
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Adv. ID:ICchuOFTf
Advert Type:For stud

Litter details

Adv. Location:Blackwood
Breed:Welsh Corgi Pembroke
Age:2 years, 4 months

Health & Docs

KC registered by collectionHealth Checked by a vetMicrochipped by collection dateVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedNeutered
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Casper our outstanding tri coloured Pembrokeshire Corgi is now available for stud Duties. We imported Casper from Serbia to add new blood to such a small gene pool in the Corgi world and what a asset he is proving to be. Casper is a very laid back and loyal house dog living as part of the family in our licensed establishment. This young man has started his showing career doing very well so far gaining his first BOB (best of breed) Best male And winning his class Casper has now qualified for crufts 2026 He is Health tested clear of Dm, rcd3 PRA, VWD 1 & Brachyury. Meaning chances of producing a affected pup is very low from his side, being fully council licensed and defra approved Casper also holds his fit to breed certificate from the vet. Casper's sire International champion and Crufts qualified for life also participated in his herding test with a great outcome,The one and only : Born to be your morning dreams come treowe NBT ,from a outstanding showing and breeding home in Hungary Casper has a lovely temprent to which he seems to be passing to his offspring. He is a lovely traditional size Corgi weighing it at 10kg so not to big or to small just right In my opinion. Casper is offered for stud duties at £550 this includes 2 matings advised 48 hours apart unless progestrone testing, if in the unlikely event your girl misses we offer 1 free return mating on your next season. We also have a ultra sound scanner here if needed at a later date for pregnancy confirmation.
Clairants Pugs & Corgis
Licensed Breeder
2 days
Member since:11 years
Clairants Pugs & Corgis
Licence No.:DB002
Local Authority:Caerphilly County Borough Council
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Clairants Pugs & Corgis
Licensed Breeder
2 days
Member since:11 years
Clairants Pugs & Corgis
Licence No.:DB002
Local Authority:Caerphilly County Borough Council
Verified by:

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