
Sphynx kittens

10 hours
SphynxAge: 2 weeks9 male
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Sphynx Kitten 1Male£500
Sphynx Kitten 2Male£500
Sphynx Kitten 3Male£500
Sphynx Kitten 4Male£500
Sphynx Kitten 5Male£500
Sphynx Kitten 6Male£500
Sphynx Kitten 7Male£500
Sphynx Kitten 8Male£500
Sphynx Kitten 9Male£500



Adv. ID:IdjTu3ydQ
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:Chichester
Pets in litter:9 male
Age:2 weeks, 1 day
Ready to Leave:2025-05-12
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Worm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetRegistered
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Inseparable mum and daughter had a litter each of stunning kittens. Cleo's last litter and Curlys first. Cleos is a piterbold, an the father is canaidan sphynx Curlys litter is 1/4 piterbold an 3/4 Canadian sphynx Adding piterbold maximises the gene pool and reduces the risk of genetic disposition of heart issues sometimes found in Canadian sphynx. I have had two pervious litters with this mix and kept in contact with most of their new families and they have all grown up to be lovely healthy cats, and cherished members of their families. Cleos litter - This is cleos 3rd and final litter unfortunately she needed an emergency c-section but she is recovering well and had 4 beautiful healthy babies. Curlys litter- Curly gave birth naturally to 5 stunning kittens and for her first time, has been an incredible mum. Curly has a unique fluffy coat with ringlets, an was pick of the litter 2 years ago for this reason! Her coat gets thicker and longer in the winter months then naturally sheds and thins out throughout the summer. THE BABIES- Currently the babies are 2 weeks old. From the night cleo got home from her big operation(less then 24 hours after Curly gave birth) cleo and Curly didn't want to be a part, I tried to keep them in separate rooms as per vets advise, but these girls had other ideas and wouldn't be separated. It would have stressed them out too much to stay apart. They care for the babies together and these kittens are the clamest quietest I have had, with two mums there every need is met immediately. There is so many colours and coat textures in this litter and some really stunning kittens now pigment is starting to come through, all of these kittens must be indoor homes, and will be socialised with large dogs too before they leave. Primarily the most important thing is that I feel reassured they are going to brilliant loving forever homes, so the more information you can give on what sort of home you can provide for these babies on your first inquiry the better. Any questions are welcome Video call viewings can be done anytime and physical viewings from 5/6weeks to reserve kittens. A small deposit will secure your choosen baby. I have 2 rubber bolds, 5 flock coats (like cleo) , and 2 straight coated babies. I am more then happy to reduce asking prices for anyone who would like 2 because they are a very socal breed who love to be together as well as needy to their humans! Any enquiries please don't hesitate to ask, these babies are truly unique and very special to me. Any new owners will be lucky to have them as part of their family. Rubber bold/flock coats: £550 Straight coats: £275 I will upload more pictures tonight and feel free to message me for additional pictures and videos
Sophie C.
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Sophie C.
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Sophie C.
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Sophie C.
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