
Cocker Spaniel looking for forever home

1 month
Cocker SpanielAge: 2 years1 female
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Cocker Spaniel Puppy 1Female£100



Adv. ID:iPhE-uRb9
Advert Type:For sale
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Litter details

Adv. Location:Darlington
Pets in litter:1 female
Breed:Cocker Spaniel
Age:2 years, 9 months
Ready to Leave:2025-02-18
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
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It is with a heavy heart that we have made the decision to rehome our beautiful girl, Minnie. Our family circumstances have changed and Minnie is now in need of a new home. Minnie is a 2 year old cocker spaniel, she has a white coat with some light brown markings - she got her name because when she was a puppy one of the markings on her back was in the shape of Minnie Mouse. Minnie was neutered in November 2024, she has had yearly vaccinations and health check ups with the vet with no concerns. She is a healthy girl. Minnie is regular at the groomers and loves to go and have a pamper and freshen up. Minnie has lived alongside an older labrador and younger children (ages 1-10) since being a puppy, with up until recently no issues. However, since the birth of our second child (now 2 weeks old) Minnie has been finding it difficult to adjust - she has became very unsettled, more domineering of our older dog and sadly has recently snacked at our older child's face when he went to stroke her - this isn't like her at all but is also not something that we feel we can continue to manage due to the continued need for additional supervision. Minnie has a lovely nature, loves to play fetch and go for walks and lives for a little snuggle in on a night time. She is a mixture of mischievous and curious about the world around her but is also one of the most loving and affectionate dogs. She can get a little over excited at times and can jump up to say hello to people. Minnie likes to spend time having a little nosey out of the windows and will bark at the sound of car doors closing in the street and when people knock at the door; her favourite thing is to bark at the birds in the garden and chase them watching them fly. As a puppy Minnie was attacked by an older dog and as a result this has led to her now being quite anxious around other people and dogs that she doesn't know. We tend to keep Minnie on her lead when walking locally as If other dogs come up to her this can frighten her and she can occasionally snack to warn them off from going near her, but sometimes she can also be ok and will interact with them without any issues, she is different depending on the situation, dog and how she is feeling so it's always been best to keep her on her lead due to the unpredictability of it. Minnie can get very anxious and can at times need lots of support and encouragement depending what situation she is in and how she is feeling. Minnie is a confident little girl but can be very shy and wary of men and other dogs, she will often submit by crouching down, lying on her back - she just needs a gentle approach and nurturing to know that she is OK. Minnie does have a crate however this has not been something that we have often used as generally she has free roam of the downstairs when we are out and on a night time as she has has the company of our older dog and this is what has worked for her. This decision has not been made lightly as Minnie is a huge part of our family and is loved dearly but we are trying to prioritise the needs of all in this situation and want to do what's best in the current circumstances, we don't want things to decline to the point where things become unsafe for anyone involved. We want Minnie to find a forever family that is perfect for her, this would be in a loving home where she is the only pet and where there are no young children (primary school age).
Charlotte S.
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Charlotte S.
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Charlotte S.
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