Australian LabradoodleAge: Due in 6 weeks1 male / 1 female
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Australian Labradoodle Puppy 1Male£5,000
Australian Labradoodle Puppy 2Female£5,000
Adv. ID:j6E9j25VP
Advert Type:For sale
Original breeder:
Litter details
Adv. Location:Bedford
Pets in litter:1 male / 1 female
Breed:Australian Labradoodle
Age:Due in 6 weeks, 6 days
Ready to Leave:2025-08-31
Viewable with Mother:
Health & Docs
Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
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Our first pure Authentic Australian Cobberdog litter is planned for later this year. These are from Australian labradoodle original breeders lines . A real ASD Australian labradoodle with the original mix of more than just three breeds in the mix, these dogs are perfect companions, have been proven to make great service and assistance dogs , and a lot calmer than some other doodles .They will be registered on the MDBA in Australia and you will be given a pedigree certificate of Authenticity from Australia and the MDBA .
I have been breeding labradoodles for over twenty years,
I have a BSc in animal science’s,
I have taken my animal license inspectors qualification,
I have previously worked for an animal reproduction vet also,
Please look at my website for more information, Annetteslabradoodles.
please call for a chat if interested in a puppy. There are only three MDBA breeders of Australian Cobberdogs in the UK to my knowledge at this time . Price is for pet litter only and is under contract . Please call in the first instance for a chat .