
Super Red Working 28kg KC Golden retriever stud

1 month
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Adv. ID:jFGBNlnAo
Advert Type:For stud
Original breeder:

Litter details

Adv. Location:Holmfirth
Age:2 years, 1 month

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
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I'm happy to introduce to you our boy Chase, "raynestone westnab" he's a very steady boy with a lovely temprement, Fully Proven, very courteous and has experience with maiden bitches as well as difficult bitches he now has some lovely healthy puppies on the ground. Hes a working red golden retriever a lighter frame at 28kg with a lovely coat, he lives indoors, but loves being outside, fed a raw diet. used to our children 2yrs and 4yrs great with other dogs and humans and all other animals we have here, cows, pigs, goats Alpacas, geese, chickens we live a hard and fast life living in moorland and lucky enough to host a grouse shoot a few times a year where he works along with our team and his working dog friends from various walks of life. Living in such an environment unfortunately accidents do happen and Chase had a few front end accidents over the moor while he was younger, which has unfortunately resulted in his elbow score at 1/1 I had a feeling this would occur but nevertheless i wanted to ensure he had all the testing done properly Semen tested with lively results Results by Labokin DNA tested clear for Gr pRA1 clear GR pra2 clear NCL clear PRCD pra clear Ict-a clear MD clear if your female is a carrier or affected of any of the above diseases puppies from Chase will be either not be affected by any of these diseases. If female is affected - all puppies will be a carrier - you should only mate an affected dog to a clear dog. If female is a carrier they have a 50% chance of gaining the carrier and 50% chance of being clear PLA grade 0 6dec 2023 Unaffected BVA eye test 6 Dec 2023 Elbows 1/1 overall grade 1 Hips 4/3 total score 7 He has been fully health tested for everything a golden retriever should be and more, he is available at stud from our working farm and is happy to travel at an additional fee. Mating is 48 hrs apart, stud fee payable on 1st tie. welcome for a 3rd mating if you wish. I strongly advise Progesterone or cytology testing (cytology is less invasive) to ensure your bitch is at optimum ovulation period (I have a bitch who cycles on day 16) I am happy to share the number of a lady who will travel to you to cytology test your girl, very helpful and full of advice. She will also scan your girl to check numbers and healthy growth. Happy to discuss any queries you may have, whether or not you choose to use Chase at stud. I am happy to help you in anyway I can. Puppies he has produced have been very strong, even mix of boys and girls, they all seem to have the calm temperament he had when he was a puppy, Pets4homes doesn't always update me with a message notification so feel free to call or text if you haven't heard back from me
Hester Rayner
13 hours
Member since:6 years
Hester Rayner
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Hester Rayner
13 hours
Member since:6 years
Hester Rayner
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PAAG promotes responsible pet advertising to help protect animal welfare. That's why Pets4Homes works to ensure all of our adverts meet PAAG's minimum standards.


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