I am thrilled my Pedigree Ruby King Charles Cavalier has a beautiful litter of F1 Cavapoo puppies. She is being a wonderful mum and is a very beautiful, exceptionally loving, clever, caring and playful girl. She stands at 13 inches (33cm) to the shoulder and weighs 9kg. She just loves her cuddles and is a joy to own, she especially enjoys her walks in the beautiful country side in the Cotswolds where we live, and chilling in my garden on summer days or curling up in front of the fire in the winter months.
The dad to the puppies is used for stud purposes and he has many champions in his pedigree, he is a much-loved family pet and has proven to produce the most wonderful confident and healthy puppies. He is stunning with the most gorgeous deep mahogany red, none fade coat. He is a Pedigree Kennel Club Registered Miniature Poodle, standing at 11 inches (28cm)to the shoulder weighs 3.5kg and has a lovely calm, confident personality, this compliments that of the mums, this trait will be passed onto their puppies.
These quality puppies are being raised in my family home with my three other dogs and as a Five Star Licenced Home breeder, I can assure you the puppies are being looked after to the highest standard that the licence demands. This includes complex socializing from an early age with all aspects of their training being initiated. Socializing, Separation Anxiety reducing experiences, Individual time away from the litter, Good Manners, bite inhibiting, interaction with older dogs. I set out a designated area for the puppies to toilet in away from their sleeping quarters. This greatly reduces the time needed to toilet train when they are in their new homes, making the puppy months more enjoyable and less stressful for both families and puppy. I of course give them lots of attention and fun times with lots of cuddles and tummy tickles. All this experience gives the puppies a fantastic start in life and eases their transition into their new homes.
The litter is a mix of boys and girls, with varying white markings as can be seen in the pictures. I am expecting the puppies to be around 10-14 inches to the shoulder and weigh around 5kg to 9kg when fully grown, and they will have the softest wavy/curly coats with a temperament to mirror their parents.
Both parents are fully health tested.
Dad is DNA tested clear for: -
* Degenerative Myelopathy
* Malignant Hyperthermia
* von Willebrand Disease
* Neonatal encephalopathy
* Progressive Retinal Atrophy
* BVA Eye screened
* Patella Clear
Mum is DNA tested clear for: -
* Dry Eye Curly Coat Syndrome
* Episodic Falling Syndrome
* Muscular Dystrophy
* Heart Scanned by Cardiologist and is
clear of MVD
* Patella Clear
These wonderful puppies are in fantastic condition which is only to be expected with the experience I have gained as a dog breeder for many years and being an animal lover with a lifetime of owning many animals, dogs, cats and horses.
I have a deep passion for all animals and I have acquired a lifetime of experience, which I use to fully support families, from the start of their buying experience from matching the right puppy for the family, to ensure our puppy owners are fully informed and all resources are available to them at every stage of the puppy’s development. With this lifetime of support, the aim is that the puppy will grow into a fully rounded calm balanced happy and fulfilled dog and to be the perfect member of their family.
Before the puppies go to their new homes they will be on a worming program and will be flea treated as a precaution prior to leaving for their new 5* homes. They will be health checked by my vet and a report will be in the puppy pack together with the following.
* Puppy Health Report from my Vet.
* Sales Contract (This gives the buyer peace of mind. There is a returns policy in place).
* Microchip details.
* 4 Weeks Insurance
* Advice Sheet on feeding and their continued routine in their new homes.
* 4kg bag of their holistic puppy food.
* A blanket which will have the scent of mum and siblings which will help them settle.
* Favourite toys they have been used to playing with.
The pictures are of the puppies and of their mum and Dad. I have also included some pictures of Cavapoo puppies from previous litters now in their new homes in order to show you the quality of the puppies I breed.
I am looking for the best *5* homes where someone is at home and any children are of school age. The puppies are 8 weeks old on the 15th February 2025, when they can go to their new homes, just in time for Spring. Deposit only required once you have come to view and have seen the puppies with their mum and have chosen your puppy and not before.
I am straight forward to get to as I am just 15 minutes from the M5 and 10 mins. from the M4 motorways (just 1hr 30mins from London).
To start your exciting journey in finding the right puppy, please contact me on 01454 238555 and I can give you more information.
I am an Ethical *5* Star Licenced Home Breeder, fully insured.
*Licensed Breeders* are Vet and Council inspected, and accountable, they are regulated by their Councils' Animal Welfare Dept. and DEFRA. 5 Star Breeders have substantially more procedures and stringent welfare guidance to follow, than any other Licensed Breeders, which safeguards their breeding dogs/puppies and the puppy’s new owners, by ensuring healthy, happy, confident puppies.
'Individuals' and 'Breeders' advertising on this website even with ID verification or KC Assured Breeders, are not inspected/regulated or accountable by the authorities and could potentially be puppy farms or importers. These puppies could have health and behavioural implications incurring extra costs for the purchaser.