
Nice 6 yo 13hh Riding Cob Brimming with Potential!

3 days
Irish CobMare6 years132 cm
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Irish Cob
Category 1
Category 2
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United Kingdom
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LITTLE LADY Lovely, stunning, approx.13hh 6 yo piebald cob x trotter mare with lovely high movements & seeming aptitude for jumping. WELL-HANDLED Been easy to catch, lead, tie up, brush, pleat, pick feet, worm, rug, tack up, get on/off, lunge & ride but best with routine & company. Used to living in or out in mixed herd. BACKED Backed & been brilliant at standing very still for slow, clumsy, old or disabled person to rug up/tack up; to get on from ground or mounting block and to ride around even bareback & bridle-less. Not hammered nor been rushed & been safe to ride or use as a lead rein. Did not bolt, rear, buck or try to throw any rider but still green. Presently on maternity leave but will then be able to be schooled properly. HEALTHY & SOUND Like all arrivals went through stringent isolation/checks & been here a good few months. She is fine, sound, healthy and happy. No sign of sickness, sweet itch, Cushing's, EMS, sarcoid or asthma etc. Never had any lameness, kissing spine, laminitis, arthritis nor injuries etc. We know her past too as we had her as a foal/youngster. We bought her back when she fell into wrong hands as we love her. A mare so been tested for obvious & found to be in foal & due in a few months. Hence a special two for one deal to the right home for this super pony. Person can keep or re-home the foal or pass it back once it is weaned if not what they want. Saying that she is a stunning mare & any foal is likely to be gorgeous too. ALL UP-TO-DATE Microchipped & Passported. Wormed & Vaccinated for Flue & Tetanus. Feet Checked & Trimmed by Farrier every Six Weeks. Teeth been Checked & Rasped by Equine Dentist every Year. Been fine for vet/farrier/dentist/trainer/helpers. Open to viewing & vetting and Honest Advise Given. FULL of POTENTIAL! Could be excellent for Showing & Competing, Jumping, Cross Country or All-Rounder.. Maybe Pony Club, SEN Lead Rein, 1st/2nd Ridden, Hacking or as a family Ride & Drive. Ideal for kind horsey family with a suitably sized, experienced, ambitious young rider. Together they could likely go far. My girl would have loved to show & compete her but she is 19 now & has sadly outgrown her. Hence we would like to give another promising rider a chance of a genuine, lovely pony & hopefully gorgeous foal they might not otherwise have been able to afford. We are a family run not for profit rescue centre & we do the work for the love of it and strive to be as honest with people as we can be to ensure they get a well matched home that will really enjoy them. RE-HOMING The re-homing fee is £2,000 as seen, not for profit. Full re-homing so pony & passport becomes fully yours. For welfare reasons we do not re-home unseen but happy to arrange a viewing. If need be then happy to hire a box and **** to anywhere in the UK or person can bring own trailer/box or pay a ****y company to pick up once approved & payments cleared. Lovely, stunning healthy, sound, up to date, backed, pregnant mare brimming with potential and just waiting for that right kind home with a right sized, experienced young rider who wants to go places. First to see will likely snatch her up.x
Judith A.
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