
Two beautiful Mixed Kittens

St Albans
5 hours
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Mixed Breed Kitten 1Female£400
Mixed Breed Kitten 2Female£400



Adv. ID:mL0dZWpk8
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:St Albans
Pets in litter:2 female
Age:3 months, 24 days
Ready to Leave:2025-03-15
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetRegistered
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These two cats are a wonder. They are full of life and happiness to give and receive. They are loving and trained to behave but they still miss behave and like to have fun as they are kittens. They are beautiful and both have special Markings on them. I have named them Leyla and Eclips; they know their names. Eclips is the beautiful Black white Brown one. And Leyla is more mixed looking. I really want them to stay together so I hope someone can take them together. They fight like sisters do but they luv each other very much. Leyla likes to eat human food, she can eat anything by the time she is an adult, she even likes spicy food but I prefer to give her no chilly food and hot food/meat/veg/eggs,white cheese, and she luves salt and vinegar crisps or any crisp as a treat and Eclips loves Felix and her dry food and meat. I feel they may like to try all food. They luv the dreams dry treats and they luv their toys. They may come to you for food when you eat but that’s a sign that they luv you and want to share food with you. You can give them a little Piece as even when they have their food they still like to eat mine. They like to play football and play fetch. They can be fine around Dogs but need training. They like squeaky toys and they don’t like to wear anything around their neck. If it is cotton and thin and light it may be alright but anything then that. They don’t like it. Maybe they could be trained too. Their mother likes to wear it but they don’t. They are ready to live a happy and for filling life with their new owners and I know they will be a bag of joy for them. Preferably I would like them to be taken for a child who needs a good friend. They like milk a lot. Before they go to sleep and they like fresh water or a little water fountain. They know about outdoors and they can be home cats but they need somewhere that has a garden because I live upstairs and they won’t be happy here for that reason. I was with them everyday since birth. Their Mother Jasmin gave birth to them in my home. I have tried to take their flees away but they have kept coming back. They come and go with the seasons of climate but if you wish to treat them you can. They are used to having a lot of peace and Quiet and they are also used to noise. They like to watch cartoons when you relax with them. They may be a little jumpy when they first arrive due to leaving home but they will be alright in due time. I pray someone special can look after them. They mean everything to me. I pray you make them happy. I know they will make you smile like they did for me. I wish Peace, happiness and Joy to them with their New owners.
Angie K.
St Albans
5 hours
Member since:6 hours
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Angie K.
St Albans
5 hours
Member since:6 hours
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