
Kc, pra clear Miniature smooth dachshund.

King's Lynn
1 month
Miniature DachshundAge: 1 year
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Adv. ID:nfOXDoaqM
Advert Type:For stud
Original breeder:

Litter details

Adv. Location:King's Lynn
Breed:Miniature Dachshund
Age:1 year, 11 months

Health & Docs

NeuteredWorm and flea treatedVaccinations up to dateMicrochipped by collection dateHealth Checked by a vetKC registered by collection
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Fred can be available at short notice if needed. Our Handsome boy Fred he’s a fully proven stud dog and knows his job well he is very keen and now having sired many good sized healthy litters to date. Fred is our much loved family pet he has a great personality very fun and loving great with children and other dogs with an amazing temperament. Fred is KC registered as Cheery Charlie he is 6.5 kg in weight, chocolate and tan in colour and a miniature smooth haired Dachshund. Fred is Pra clear, he is fully vaccinated annually and regularly veterinary health checked he also is regularly flea and worm treated as precaution. Our vet describes Fred as a perfect example of the breed his structure is exactly how it should be he is a very healthy well proportioned male, very handsome and exactly how a male dachshund should be and stand. We offer two natural matings 48hrs apart in the fee which is due on the first mating you are also entitled to a free repeat mating on your girls next season should she fail to fall pregnant for any reason. With many years of breeding experience rest assured we try as much as possible to make sure that the whole mating process is kept as calm and stress free as possible for you and your girl. We are happy to give any help and advice if needed where possible throughout her pregnancy and birth. I recommend maiden bitches to have a progesterone test done for optimal ovulation timing. Thank you for taking time to read Fred’s advert. Any further questions about Fred please don’t hesitate to ask. I look forward to meeting you. Kindest regards, Emma.
Flighty Fawns.
Licensed Breeder
King's Lynn
3 hours
Member since:8 years
Flighty Fawns.
Licence No.:23/00461AA_NEW
Local Authority:King\'s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council
Verified by:

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Flighty Fawns.
Licensed Breeder
King's Lynn
3 hours
Member since:8 years
Flighty Fawns.
Licence No.:23/00461AA_NEW
Local Authority:King\'s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council
Verified by:

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