
Friendly cat in need of a new home

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Domestic Shorthair Kitten 1Male£50



Adv. ID:NIV5Ey2hD
Advert Type:For sale

Litter details

Adv. Location:Blackwood
Pets in litter:1 male
Age:9 years, 2 months
Ready to Leave:2025-02-10
Viewable with Mother:

Health & Docs

Microchipped by collection dateNeuteredVaccinations up to dateWorm and flea treatedHealth Checked by a vetRegistered
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Here we have charlie, he's is a neutered male cat, incredibly affectionate and has lived with other cats, dogs, newborn and young children. Charlie is up for adoption through no fault of his own and we are heartbroken to do so, but our hands been forced. Weve taken advice from multiple charities and this is the advised course of action. Brief back story on why we are rehoming charlie, we've owned charlie for about 4 years, he's the most friendly and placid cat I've ever met, he comes and says hello has a fuss then goes off to do his own thing, the past 6 months we've endured charlie not coming back home to us due to other neighbours feeding him for almost 6 months without our knowldege, even when dealing with the situation and requesting that the other people stop feeding its fallen on deaf ears and trying to get charlie to come back home full time is something he isnt willing to do, he has now completely disconnected from our family and spends all his time at the neighbours houses as he thinks it's now his home. We've tried every trick in the book to get charlie to come back to us, even with the suppoort of animal charity's but unfortunately its been unsuccessful, he may occasionally come to myself or my partner but he then goes straight back to the competing food sources and wont come inside our home or stay with us. So he's just finding shelter in our outside cat house when he comes back but it isn't fair as Charlie's always had the freedom to come and go as he pleases and we've never had any trouble, he says hello to anybody he meets and has always been incredibly affectionate to everyone as is a firm favorite to everyone who meets him. Our only option is to rehome him to allow him to have that chance again. We just want charlie to be inside a loving house as well as having the freedom to go outside and wonder freely as all cats should be able too. As i can't bare to watch him just wondering round confused anymore and staying outside in all weather's confused. Charlie is flea and wormed up to date, he's microchipped, he will need a vaccination restart as unfortunately due to this situation we've been unable to get him to get him to the vets to have his boosters last year so they've now expired. Any questions feel free to message.
Faebian V.
18 hours
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Faebian V.
18 hours
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